Moving Funds

$230 raised

TARGET $3,000

Please support this cause



Hi everyone. I have been living in my current home with my 4 children (I am a single mum) for just over 2yrs now.
It is a Townhouse which is literally attached to other townhouses on either side of me.
One of the homes attached to me have been the neighbours from hell.
They constantly play loud music that thumps through my walls. I have to call the police on average twice a fortnight. They constantly slam their doors, bang on the walls. They chain smoke so I can never get fresh air in my home because every time I open a door or window, I just get all the second hand smoke. And they throw their cigarette butts in my yard. They throw parties that go to 7am. I have witnessed drug deals out the front of their home. They have left illegal contraband for anyone to see or for any innocent child to touch.
I have not been able to live one days peace in this home for 2yrs and as much as I don’t want to move... I just don’t have a choice anymore.
I have written letters to the residents 3times in 2yrs. And they retaliated today by throwing eggs at my house.
I have put several complaints to the Body Corp over the years, and there has been no resolution.
I no longer feel safe in my own home. I fear for the safety of my children.
The stress of all this over the years has flared up my Fibromyalgia and caused me to have high blood pressure - something I’ve never had before in my life.

I am hoping to get a bit of help as I don’t get paid much and half of my pay literally goes to rent every fortnight.
Every little bit helps. It will help me and my children to find a better and safer home. And to hopefully be out of this house within a month.
Thankyou for your time in reading this.

Fundraising For

Amelia Herzog

Funds Banked To

Amelia Herzog

Campaign Creator

Amelia Herzog

Mooroolbark, VIC

Thu, 18 Jun 2020


$ 30
Wed, 17 Jun 2020


$ 200

Hi Amelia saw your plea on TT - I really feel for you bad neighbours ruin lives

SINCE Jun 2020



$230 raised

TARGET $3,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Amelia Herzog

Funds Banked To

Amelia Herzog

Campaign Creator

Amelia Herzog

Mooroolbark, VIC

SINCE Jun 2020

