Australian Bushfire Fundraiser

$0 raised


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Following the devastating bushfires in Australia, Airswift would like to raise money to assist the Australian Rural Fire Services who have been working day and night for months fighting the blazes.

To kick our fundraising off, on Friday 24th January both our Brisbane and Perth offices will be completing 2700 steps of the respective cities Jacobs Ladder's in support of the 2700 firefighters currently fighting the fires.

We'd love to raise some money to add to the cause as the Fire Service continues to work hard to save towns, houses, people, animals and land. We invite all our friends, families, clients and contractors to join us on our walks on the 24th January.

Most importantly, if you are able to donate to our fundraiser please do so, no matter how large or small!

Thank you so much.

Airswift Australia.

I'm raising funds for


Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland

RFBAQ leads and represents the interests of the 1400+ brigades and 36000+ volunteer brigade members in Qld. We provide grants to brigades and pursue issues and projects of relevance. RFBAQ proactively campaigns and lobbies all levels of Gov to ensure that the views of our members are heard.

About Fundraiser

Sam Elliott

Brisbane City, QLD

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jan 2020



$0 raised


Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland

RFBAQ leads and represents the interests of the 1400+ brigades and 36000+ volunteer brigade members in Qld. We provide grants to brigades and pursue issues and projects of relevance. RFBAQ proactively campaigns and lobbies all levels of Gov to ensure that the views of our members are heard.

About Fundraiser

Sam Elliott

Brisbane City, QLD

SINCE Jan 2020

