Cat's ambulance ride

$1,359 raised


Please support this cause



Hey friends,

As many of you know, I’ve been sick for much of the last ten years. The last month has been particularly rough, with acute flare ups of my gut symptoms resulting in three trips to Emergency in two weeks, and then three week-long hospital stays. We’ve made some changes to my medications which are gradually improving things (though the side effects are still pretty unpleasant) and I’ve been home for the last few days - it's so good to be eating real food and sleeping in my own bed again :)

I’ve just received the bill for the ambulance, which is a significant cost on top of all my usual medical expenses, particularly as I’m unable to work at the moment.

Any donations towards my ambulance ride would be greatly appreciated and would help more than you know.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


Fundraising For

Cat Radley

Funds Banked To

Catherine Radley

Campaign Creator

Catherine Radley

Ainslie, ACT

Tue, 18 Jun 2019

Sonja Myers

$ 500

Dan and I hope that this contribution will help hit the target for the ambulance ride and contribute to the cost of some meds and/or procedure. But most of all, we hope you make a speedy recovery Cat. Love from both of us

Sat, 8 Jun 2019

Anon Mouse

$ 58

A. Mouse for a Cat

Thu, 6 Jun 2019

Michael Stock

$ 50
Tue, 4 Jun 2019

Aruna Phabmixay

$ 50


Mon, 3 Jun 2019

Jenny Wong

$ 50
Sat, 1 Jun 2019

Kieran O’callaghan

$ 71

Sending lots of nurturing healing loving energy your way Cat. Golden Namaste hugs Kieran and Nandini

Sat, 1 Jun 2019

Katrina Hinton

$ 50

Sending healing wishes and love Cat.

Thu, 30 May 2019

Nicole Lim

$ 50

Hope you are feeling better soon x

Thu, 30 May 2019

Kevin Brady

$ 30

Hope you raise enough and hope to see you at our next Gasshuku

Wed, 29 May 2019

Corinne Ness

$ 50

SINCE May 2019



$1,359 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Cat Radley

Funds Banked To

Catherine Radley

Campaign Creator

Catherine Radley

Ainslie, ACT

SINCE May 2019

