
Peta Waterman


$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

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It’s true… I have been selected to star in a ground-breaking TV show!

This award-winning television project involves me undertaking a life-changing adventure while being filmed by an international TV crew. The footage will be used as part of an inspiring TV series.
As part of the pre-filming process, I have committed to raising much needed funds for Sideffect.

Sideffect is an Australian not-for-profit organisation that is aiming to educate our youth on substance awareness. Sideffect aims to bring early intervention and harm minimisation strategies to schools and communities all across Australia, empowering, challenging, and educating our youth.

This inspiring project combines adventure, travel, philanthropy and television. As part of the casting process my aim is to attract a minimum of $10,000 in donations, which I am well on the way to doing… but I still need your support. To assist me in this life changing journey (and to see me star on TV!), please generously donate to help me achieve my fundraising goal. Thank you sincerely for your kind support.

For a preview of what I’ll be doing on TV, check out this 2 minute promotional video: https://www.facebook.com/charitytvglobal/videos/175176583212817/

Also hear from TV cast members – this will be me! https://vimeo.com/290213290

Fundraising For



Sideffect's mission is to start a conversation on substance awareness between parents, teachers and Australia’s youth. What’s in them, what they can do to you, and how they can affect your family and community. Our aim is to enable youth to make informed decisions based on knowledge and awareness, not misinformation and ignorance. Our goal is to spread this powerful message to every person in Australia.

Be the first to donate to this cause!

CREATOR Peta Waterman

SINCE Mar 2019



$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For



Sideffect's mission is to start a conversation on substance awareness between parents, teachers and Australia’s youth. What’s in them, what they can do to you, and how they can affect your family and community. Our aim is to enable youth to make informed decisions based on knowledge and awareness, not misinformation and ignorance. Our goal is to spread this powerful message to every person in Australia.

CREATOR Peta Waterman

SINCE Mar 2019

