"Please help to extend my dad’s life and make the most of it!"

$100 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



"Please help to extend my dad’s life and make the most of it!"

My dad is 68 years old, was married for 35 years and has been blessed with 6 children and 10 grandchildren. My dad was recently diagnosed with bone cancer – a stage 4 sarcoma.
The first symptoms he had were in October 2018 when a small painless lump appeared on his chest. At that time my dad was going through depression whilst grieving for the loss of my mum in July 2018. As a result, he chose to ignore the lump and refused to get it checked out by the doctor. As the months passed by, he noticed that the lump seemed to get bigger each day. Finally, he got it checked out, but the diagnosis on the lump was inconclusive. The doctor did, however, diagnose him with diabetes, for which he was given medication. Meanwhile the lump got bigger each day and he lost 10 kilos in just 2 weeks. By late December, his immune system was weakened and he developed a bad chest infection. It was very difficult for him to stand or walk and he was confined to his bed at home.
On the 15th of January this year he was rushed to hospital in Quezon City, Philippines because he had trouble breathing with excruciating pain. The doctors found that he was suffering from pneumonia and after doing scans on the lump on his chest, they then diagnosed him with stage 4 bone sarcoma. It was confirmed that the cancer had spread beyond the bones to other areas of his body such as his lungs, spine and legs, which will make it impossible for him to walk again.
When I was speaking to my dad in hospital recently, it became clear that he had known that signs of his cancer had been there for quite a long time. However, he chose to hide this from his family whilst my mum was alive and undergoing dialysis treatment. My mum’s treatment was quite expensive, and I believe he kept his illness a secret because he didn’t want another financial burden to be placed on our family.
At this moment he is under antibiotics for his pneumonia and waiting to do a biopsy so that they can proceed to do surgery or radiation and target therapies to reduce the lump on his chest, which is causing his breathing difficulties and can lead to heart failure.
Any funds that can be raised will go towards hospital bills, medications, bed, wheelchair and ongoing treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I am asking for your help and support because all my dad wants is to come home as soon as possible so that all of us can be together. I have travelled from Australia and my sister from France just to be with him, so that he can meet his two youngest grandchildren for the first time. We want to cherish every moment we can in the time he has left in this world with his children and grandchildren.
Thank you so much, we can’t make it without your help! Please share.

Fundraising For

Beinvenido V. Llames

Funds Banked To

Bernadeth Edwards

Campaign Creator

Beth Edwards

Belfield, NSW

Wed, 6 Feb 2019

Cleo Souza

$ 100

My thoughts are with you. Keep strong . Send my love to your daddy and your family. Love you ❤️

SINCE Feb 2019



$100 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Beinvenido V. Llames

Funds Banked To

Bernadeth Edwards

Campaign Creator

Beth Edwards

Belfield, NSW

SINCE Feb 2019

