Carer needs transport after car accident.

$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

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I am the carer for my partners mother. She has Alzheimers and several mental health issues.

We lost our jobs during the transition into looking after her as our employer could not accommodate our absences from work to look after her. It was a very difficult transition as she was suffering delusions and refused/refuses to go into a care facility.

We granted her wish to look after her at home as it was the decent thing to do. I am on the pension while my partner continues to look for work. It is a daily challenge in many regards. She cannot be left alone, thus one of us has to remain at home at all times.

A few days before Christmas I had a car accident in which I was deemed at fault. It was my partners car and our only form of transport. My insurance policy was cancelled as I could not afford to pay the installment.

In addition my partner suffers from mental health issues, a result of trauma as a child and his mothers contnued abuse over the years. We do not get help from anyone else as the family are estranged and do not want to help her. We are all she has. Finding an employer who understands our situation is very hard.

The car can be repaired, it has been estimated at $5000-6000 as well as that I have to pay damages to the third party, whose fault it actually was.

We have been trapped at home since 19th December unable to get to appointments or leave the house. She is unable to use public transport with her stage of illness.

I have tried to sell personal belongings on ebay but to no avail.

We have spent the last 18 months cleaning and repairing her home as she is a hoarder (compulsive shopping) and had been doing so for over 20 years. Nothing could be saved due to water damage and a mouse infestation. Rubbish removal was and is costly as is the ongoing need for repairs.

We have offered smash repairers payment arrangements and to work free of charge but no one can help us in that regard.

I am a full time carer trying to support my partner, three dogs and an elderly lady who is very difficult and not receptive to help. My partner is in the process of applying for benefits but this is a long process and he would prefer to work.

Not having a car has made life much harder. I cannot do the things I need to do and it is preventing us from being able to secure any work.

Anyone who has suffered abuse from family with mental health would appreciate how difficult the situation is, let alone without a vehicle to do daily tasks or get to medical appointments.

We cannot obtain finance as no income and I have no one I can borrow from.

The situation is deteriorating daily with my partner becoming increasingly depressed while I try to fix this mess. I don't know what else to do.

Mental health problems are complex and can destroy families as it has done to us. The car accident simply makes improving our life impossible so I am hoping to raise funds to have the car repaired.

If anyone can help, I would be indebted and it would get us back on track.

I don't know what else to say or do except.... We need your help.

It is with deep regret and embarrassment that I have to fundraise but it is my only option.

Any advice or offers of help to repair the car in return for labour or a payment plan would be much appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Sincerely, Andrea
Andrea White - full time Carer
Alzheimer’s WA

Fundraising For

Andrea White - full time Carer

I am a full time carer trying to solve our transport issue.

Funds Banked To

A White

Alzheimer’s WA

Alzheimer’s WA advocates, educates, supports and engages Western Australians living with all types of dementia. Our vision is of a world where people with dementia and their families are supported and valued on their dementia journey. Together we can ensure no one faces dementia alone.

Campaign Creator

Andy White

Chipping Norton, NSW

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jan 2019



$0 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause

Andrea White - full time Carer
Alzheimer’s WA

Fundraising For

Andrea White - full time Carer

I am a full time carer trying to solve our transport issue.

Funds Banked To

A White

Alzheimer’s WA

Alzheimer’s WA advocates, educates, supports and engages Western Australians living with all types of dementia. Our vision is of a world where people with dementia and their families are supported and valued on their dementia journey. Together we can ensure no one faces dementia alone.

Campaign Creator

Andy White

Chipping Norton, NSW

SINCE Jan 2019

