
Jumpy Jumpers


$1,740 raised

TARGET $3,190

Please support this cause

Welcome to the Jumpy Jumpers' fundraising page.

Our team is made up of four brave Melbourne men, who are committed to take the leap to support the important work of COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence.

Perhaps the most nervous member of our team is the Australian world champion boxer - Sam Soliman. Sam will be jumping from great heights at St Kilda Marina on November 10th, with his Jumpy Jumper team mates David Stanley, Mario Salvo and Dan Czarny.

As a team comprising of fathers and grandfathers, the Jumpy Jumpers will launch into the start of Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week for 2018.

Funds raised from the jump will go towards supporting the important work undertaken by COPE. As a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the devastating impacts of antenatal and postnatal mental health problems in mothers and fathers, this year's funds will support routine, universal screening to identify those in need of help.

Please share with your friends and family and jump on board to support us by selecting the donate button above.

Thanks for supporting our efforts in raising money for this important cause!

Fundraising For


COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence

Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to supporting parents at each stage of the journey to parenthood, and reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems before and after having a baby.

Jumpy Jumpers

Sat, 10 Nov 2018

Dave B

$ 100
Fri, 9 Nov 2018

Charlotte Berndes

$ 15

Good luck David

Fri, 9 Nov 2018

Michaela Hall

$ 50

Cue the Top Gun theme song! Great effort Sam and David!

Thu, 8 Nov 2018

Adam Lang

$ 20

Good luck!!

Tue, 6 Nov 2018

David L

$ 150

good luck

Mon, 5 Nov 2018

Anna Validas

$ 150
Sun, 4 Nov 2018

issame maatalla

$ 50

All the best Sam !!

Sun, 4 Nov 2018

Kurt Emhoff

$ 25

Careful jumping Sammy - you’re a braver man than I am.

Fri, 2 Nov 2018

Janina Stanley

$ 50
Fri, 2 Nov 2018

Jeda Harding

$ 20

Go Team Go!!!

CREATOR David Stanley

SINCE Oct 2018



50% raised
20+ donations

$1,740 raised

TARGET $3,190

Please support this cause


Fundraising For


COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence

Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to supporting parents at each stage of the journey to parenthood, and reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems before and after having a baby.

CREATOR David Stanley

SINCE Oct 2018



50% raised
20+ donations