Uniting Baby With Parents Again

$630 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause



I was at the wedding of this couple a few years ago, and when the were having difficulty in having a baby, I joined with others to pray for them. When we knew a baby was on the way, there were many who were so happy with them to hear this news!  Some ( like myself) knew the father for many years, while others knew the mother similarly.  There were some difficulties in the birth of the baby, and there also appeared to be some medical issues involved as well.  At one point they took the baby back to the hospital for checking to ensure all was well with him.  

In taking the baby back for checking, it soon became apparent to them that their baby was being taken away from them, and they were coming under suspicion for mistreating the baby. This came as a terrible shock to them, and to all of the friends who knew them well, being certain that some kind of terrible mistake was being made in this whole process. 

This all happened 9 months ago, with the baby just turning 1 year old recently, and being taken away at 3 months old. Although they can see their baby, at set times and special places, they have never been allowed to hold or cuddle him in any way whatsoever, for the last 9 months. 

A court hearing into the whole mater is coming up in August , but a number of court appearances have been required in the lead up to this case.  Their friends have worked and tried hard continually to raise money for these appearances, but now that the main case is coming soon, we ( their friends) are all trying as hard as we can to raise money for them.  Their quandary is, if they can't raise enough money for the main hearing, they are in danger of not getting their child back, and in spite of the helps they have received, this won't be enough to get them through the main hearing that is coming.  If many people can help a little, this might be the answer, hence the reason for this campaign.

Nobody knows how long the main August hearing will take- we are hopeful it will be short- 5 days. In that case, the $40,000 we are seeking might get us through. All this of course relates to the legal fees required. 

Please note that a group of supporters have rallied around over the last 9 months, helping to cover lots of legal costs over that period in the lead up to this MyCause campaign, with MA Trotter and DR Mills opening an account in Trust for the couple to ensure their anonymity. That is the Trust into which all donations have been paid to date, including those being received from this campaign.

Please note that Garreth and Lucinda referred to in the video are not the actual names of the couple concerned, because of privacy and legal reasons.


Since this has launched, there have been more than 2000 views of this story. Translated into actual figures then,
if 40 responded with $1000 each, that would reach our target.
80 would need $500 each
160 - $250 each
320- $125 each
640 × $62.50
1280 × $31.25
2560 × $15.65
5120 x $7.85

With the 2000+ views already received, that would come to $15.65 each. That is quite manageable!

If this was your son - you would wish people would give up the cost of a small pizza to help you get your son back

Please note:

Direct bank transfers can be made directly to the same CBA Trust Account for those not choosing to donate via a credit card account.

Details are:
Account Name: M. Trotter & D. Mills
BSB: 063146
Account Number: 10468649

Fundraising For

M. Trotter & D. Mills

How would a newly wed couple feel if their new baby was taken away? Surely they wouldn't rest until their baby was given back! Surely the couple's friends wouldn't rest! I'm one such friend!

Funds Banked To

M. Trotter & D. Mills

Campaign Creator

Gary Parsons

Silvan, VIC

Wed, 1 Aug 2018

S Parsons

$ 100
Sat, 28 Jul 2018

Lifegroup Discovery

$ 100


Wed, 25 Jul 2018


$ 100
Wed, 25 Jul 2018


$ 230
Tue, 24 Jul 2018

Gary Parsons

$ 100

SINCE Jul 2018



$630 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

M. Trotter & D. Mills

How would a newly wed couple feel if their new baby was taken away? Surely they wouldn't rest until their baby was given back! Surely the couple's friends wouldn't rest! I'm one such friend!

Funds Banked To

M. Trotter & D. Mills

Campaign Creator

Gary Parsons

Silvan, VIC

SINCE Jul 2018

