Hello wonderful people. First of all id like to thank you for even considering to read this and hopefully you are able to help me on this little project that i am starting.
I wanted to ask you this one question. "Do you ever look or think about the homeless that is around you and wonder how they survive in these harsh seasons may it be cold or hot weather"?
Well i had the idea to start this project because of what i was commonly thinking and seeing around my city. There are quite a number of homeless people around that ive seen with no shoes or socks, no shirts, blankets etc. Especially with the weather being so cold at night and earlly mornings. I always wondered how they are surviving in this. I would complain how cold it was even though i would have 2 layers of clothes on. I thought why not do something for others. So i had the idea to start this project and make winter kits for the homeless that they may need to get through this harsh cold. We are all human at the end of the day & Sometimes the smallest things can make a change and hopefully these kits are appreciated at the end of all of this.
Now id take this out of my own account. But id love for the community to join with me and share the love of caring for others.
I plan to video the journey and would love to show the help that everyone has contributed into.
Kits include: Socks, brush, sanitary products( for women), wipes, tissues, dry goods( eg. Tuna and crackers), band aids, lotion, gloves, scarfs, chapstick and note of enourgement.
If there are any ideas on what you might like for me to include. Please feel free to message me.