My Cause Gift Fund for NSW Farmers Natural Disaster Relief Fund
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to NSW Farmers Drought Relief Fund. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.CREATOR Heidi Hamilton
SINCE May 2018
My Cause Gift Fund for NSW Farmers Natural Disaster Relief Fund
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to NSW Farmers Drought Relief Fund. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.CREATOR Heidi Hamilton
SINCE May 2018
this is a great cause, we have to help our farmers who do so much for us