Jenna was a normal person going about their business had a loving boyfriend ect until Two years ago Jenna suffered a red back spider bite whereby She sought the immediate treatment necessary with her father for the matter. From then on Jenna has had ongoing issues with this non healing wound, Jenna has a fantastic doctor and plastic surgeon behind her but we all need help in finding some answers so she can live a normal life without the fight against the never healing wound. Jenna currently can’t work and can’t bring in an income to cover medical costs. The ability to get it any further past this point in healing and after spending months on end in hospitals enough is enough. Please can someone help or if you have any ideas yourself please contact Jenna or leave a comment and we can contact you and it will be put forward to the medical team. It’s at that point of desperation we are reaching out to the media so we can see if there’s a medical professional who has a new idea. We would like to Thank you in advance for your support Jenna is currently in the Alfred hospital in Melbourne Victoria and this is honestly our last cry out for help as her team (medical professionals,family, friends) don’t know where to go from here.
Hey Jenna Sending love and hugs