Adam Walduck

$2,690 raised

TARGET $2,500

Please support this cause



Hi, I am Adam. A 15 year old scout from Woodend.

I have been scouting since the age of 7 and have pursued this great hobby of adventure, helping others, tying knots and sleeping in bags with my friends. I have done the lot!

I am currently working to achieve my Queen Scout medallion - the most acknowledged award in the movement of scouting. This achievement is not just a badge, its a tool for building my future. The Queen Scout is recognised as a symbol of hard work and determination.

As part of achieving the award, I must self organise and complete a hike of 3 nights minimum. I have chosen to do the Overland Track in Tasmania this April over 6 days. I must organise and pay for the hike, flights and transport to and from the mountain for 11 teenagers - quite the challenge!

The trip is costly for some members of the group, who don't have the financial support needed. One member works on a farm, sheep sheering and auctioning poultry to be part of our troop. Another mows lawns for the community and performs other jobs to pay for camps and their Queen Scout too.

Unfortunately, some people can’t afford the hike in Tasmania, so I have made a goal. I’m trying to fundraise $2,500 to support my Scout group to attend and experience this amazing opportunity.

To raise money, I am riding the Great Dividing Trail, a tough mountain bike ride that runs from Ballarat to Bendigo. My plan is to complete the 210km in 3 days across some very challenging off-road trails. This is the equivalent distance of Melbourne to Wilsons Prom.

If you are able to help me with a donation, I would love to help a group of people who don’t have a great deal, to enjoy something special. I can promise that your donation will mean a great deal for people who have not experienced something like this.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand my story!


Fundraising For

Adam Walduck

Hi, I am Adam. A 15 year old scout from Woodend and I am raising money for a group of people who don't have much, to enjoy a life changing experience in hiking the Overland Track in Tasmania.

Funds Banked To

Adam Walduck


Campaign Creator

Adam Walduck

Woodend North, VIC

Mon, 12 Mar 2018

Nicholas Van Heeswyk

$ 20

Well done Adam!

Mon, 12 Mar 2018

Ayten Ozenc

$ 50

Well done Adam, great effort and role model.

Mon, 12 Mar 2018

Simon Bray

$ 50

Great initiative Adam. Good luck on your final day tomorrow and enjoy tassie.

Sun, 11 Mar 2018

Renee Cerveri-Tekani

$ 20
Sun, 11 Mar 2018

Fiona van Heeswyk

$ 50

Have fun love Alex, Cameron and Jamie van Heeswyk

Sat, 10 Mar 2018

Anne Mcfarlane-Read

$ 50

Good luck for Day 2 and Day 3 !!!!

Sat, 10 Mar 2018

Simon Walduck

$ 55


Sat, 10 Mar 2018

Ejanul Haque

$ 50

Proud of you Adam. All the best.

Sat, 10 Mar 2018

Margaret Jones

$ 40
Sat, 10 Mar 2018

Yau Massacrier

$ 20

What a great initiative. Good luck Adam!

SINCE Feb 2018



$2,690 raised

TARGET $2,500

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Adam Walduck

Hi, I am Adam. A 15 year old scout from Woodend and I am raising money for a group of people who don't have much, to enjoy a life changing experience in hiking the Overland Track in Tasmania.

Funds Banked To

Adam Walduck


Campaign Creator

Adam Walduck

Woodend North, VIC

SINCE Feb 2018

