Being in my early 20s, you never think about illness and rare diseases until you’re confronted with stories like Chloe’s.
When approached to be apart of the ‘Walk for Chloe’ I was honoured and there was no second thought. The story touched my heart as I have two little cousins Lewis (3) and Gemma (1) and the daunting thought of a rare disease like Vanishing White Matter Disease (VWMD) being among them puts life into perspective. As much as you will protect them and do anything for them, there are just some things that are uncontrollable.
I can not wait to complete this challenge with all the women involved there will be tears, laughter and frustration but most of all the feeling of achievement.
I will not only be walking for Chloe but all future kids that may come across VWMD.
My personal goal is $700
Go Nadia! Love Luis and Olivia xx