Please Help Me Smile Again

$0 raised

TARGET $3,300

Please support this cause



I feel incredibly selfish for doing this as there are so many people more worthy of your help but I don't know where else to turn.
I'm a 27 year old mother of 2 beautiful little girls who needs urgent dental treatment consisting of surgically extracting all of my teeth and having dentures. I have seen the oral surgeon but as I do not have the money, I've been unable to book the surgery.

I have several medical conditions that caused me to have severe gastric reflux for many years resulting in the stomach acid completely eroding my teeth. I have since had surgery to help my stomach and medication to manage it but am left with the rotten teeth that have brought my life almost to a stand still. I have been applying for jobs ever since my daughter started daycare almost 2 years ago but keep getting told to have my teeth sorted before I can be considered for a position. Without a job though I have been unable to afford to have the dental work done.
My teeth cause severe pain and constant infections as well as a lot of embarrassment especially when there's so many people who associate poor dental health with drug addiction which is certainly not always the case which I'm proof of. My teeth also affect my confidence, or my complete lack of as I don't like to meet new people while I know my mouth looks this horrible. I also avoid family outings and meeting my daughter's friends and their parents to avoid them thinking I'm a bad person just because I have bad teeth. You would be surprised how often it has happened.

To be able to have photos with my 2 girls and actually smile would be an absolute dream come true.

Regardless of whether you are able to assist or not, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me and my family also.

Thank you :-)

Fundraising For

Kandice Ruthven

I'm desperately requiring dental treatment for myself and currently no way of making it happen. It's affecting my health and every aspect of my life.

Funds Banked To

Kandice Ruthven


Campaign Creator

Kandice Ruthven

Girrawheen, WA

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Sep 2017



$0 raised

TARGET $3,300

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Kandice Ruthven

I'm desperately requiring dental treatment for myself and currently no way of making it happen. It's affecting my health and every aspect of my life.

Funds Banked To

Kandice Ruthven


Campaign Creator

Kandice Ruthven

Girrawheen, WA

SINCE Sep 2017

