Public Liability & Volunteer Insurance

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We need to pay public liability and volunteer accident insurance before we can engage volunteers through mainstream employment groups.

Once the insurance is paid we can start three major activities.

The first is a short-term activity involving the collection of signatures to present a petition to parliament seeking the inclusion of Common Law Civil Suits in the group of items funded under the Legal Aid umbrella.

The second activity is long-term, we need volunteers to canvass appropriately to secure private corporate sponsorship in various forms to ensure we remain free from political coercion, and are able to provide everyone in Australia with access to their Common Law Rights which isn't happening now.

Presently only the very wealthy are able to sue for breach of their Common Law Rights which includes, trespass to person (assault, battery, unlawful imprisonment) negligence, defamation, trespass to property, nuisance, the list goes on.

The third is to collect memberships from the community to form an incorporated association, ensuring longevity of the group whilst allowing it to grow nationwide.

After these three events have succeeded then we can start providing this essential service to all Australian residents, that for political reasons, our own government has not provided.

First step is the insurance. Imagine if everyone in Australia contributed $1. Then will you?

Fundraising For

Janette Francis

In time this group is expected to become the peak body to secure the legal rights of Australians, and will become a highly respected training ground for newly graduated Australian lawyers.

Funds Banked To

Janette Francis

Campaign Creator

Janette Francis

Seaford Rise, SA

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2017



$0 raised


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Fundraising For

Janette Francis

In time this group is expected to become the peak body to secure the legal rights of Australians, and will become a highly respected training ground for newly graduated Australian lawyers.

Funds Banked To

Janette Francis

Campaign Creator

Janette Francis

Seaford Rise, SA

SINCE Aug 2017

