Cancer fight... surgery for life.

$7,665 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



I am racing this self funding as recently my family and I, we are struggling to pay a $16.000 for a thiroid cancer surgery and treatment, as international students in Australia, my family have to pay for everything almost in front, my little girl childcare, my son school, my Tafe degree, and now my surgery, as we have a private health cover we are covered for almost $6.000 but we need to find the rest of the money without affecting the rest of our expenses and children normal life.
Sometimes I wakes up and believes that I just had a nightmare, but immediately I touch the ground and that cold reality warns that it is not a dream but the most cruel of the realities that we had to live. But I know we are not alone in this, we know we have the unconditional support of our family and friends and a big faith in God for the possibility of making the proper treatment and soon recovery.
If you a willing to help my family and I we will be eternally grateful about your contribution.

Fundraising For

Wendy Rodriguez

I am a mother, a wife, a teacher, a daughter, a friend a dreamer, who struggle to to pay a life saver surgery against a recently detected cancer, please helpe me fight this new challenge in my family life.

Funds Banked To

Wendy Rodriguez


Campaign Creator

Wendy Rodriguez

Blackbutt, NSW

Wed, 23 Aug 2017

Angie Rogers

$ 25

Thinking of you Wendy!

Wed, 16 Aug 2017

Flia. Ruiz Rodriguez

$ 50

Prima TQM, confia en Jah!!! Flia. Ruiz Rodriguez

Sun, 13 Aug 2017

Paula Rolffs

$ 75

Espero que todo salga muy bien! Saludos y energías!!

Sat, 12 Aug 2017

Anna Costin

$ 30

Thinking of you Wendy, sending lots of love and wishing you a speedy recovery. The Costins xx

Fri, 11 Aug 2017

Jessica Rahme

$ 50

Wendy we are so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. We wish you a successful surgery and nothing but good health going forward. Best wishes, Carlos, Jessica, Adelina and Sebastian Rahme

Fri, 11 Aug 2017

Mono y Yk

$ 50

Con todo nuestro cariño!!!! para una familia hermosa.....les deseo siempre lo mejor..... Mono y Yk

Fri, 11 Aug 2017

Ricardo Navarro y Missys

$ 300

Con Cariño, Ricardo y Missys

Thu, 10 Aug 2017

Christian Velez

$ 100

Wendy... animos y fuerzas, ustedes son todos unos luchadores, Esto solo es un challenge q te hara aun mas fuerte

Thu, 10 Aug 2017

Andres Conde

$ 200

Mucha fuerza y mucha paciencia con esa recuperación Besos y abrazos de Laura. Pipe y María Fernanda.

Wed, 9 Aug 2017

Lauren Rushton

$ 20

All the best xx

SINCE Jul 2017



$7,665 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Wendy Rodriguez

I am a mother, a wife, a teacher, a daughter, a friend a dreamer, who struggle to to pay a life saver surgery against a recently detected cancer, please helpe me fight this new challenge in my family life.

Funds Banked To

Wendy Rodriguez


Campaign Creator

Wendy Rodriguez

Blackbutt, NSW

SINCE Jul 2017

