Op Shop Care Worker

$0 raised

TARGET $4,000

Please support this cause



Since 2014 the 3216 Op Shop has been providing practical help to those living in Geelong. Over that time we have provided more that $50,000 to families, individuals and like minded charities.

In order for us to focus our help we have recently appointed Belinda to work as our Care Worker. She will be available for appointments in the shop on Wednesdays from 10am-2pm. Belinda is also responsible for setting up a Care Team from the local churches.

We would love for you to partner with us in this new opportunity by donating money that will be used to fund the Care Worker position.

3216 Connect is a ministry of the South Barwon Christian Reformed Church and is a registered not-for-profit.

Fundraising For

3216 Connect Care Worker

The 3216 Connect Op Shop has recently appointed Belinda as our Care Worker, for 6 hours per week. We are excited that this new move will add to the real help that we are able to give people in our community. But we need your help and so ask you to give generously.

Funds Banked To

3216 Connect Inc.


Campaign Creator

3216 Connect Op Shop

Armstrong Creek, VIC

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jun 2017



$0 raised

TARGET $4,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

3216 Connect Care Worker

The 3216 Connect Op Shop has recently appointed Belinda as our Care Worker, for 6 hours per week. We are excited that this new move will add to the real help that we are able to give people in our community. But we need your help and so ask you to give generously.

Funds Banked To

3216 Connect Inc.


Campaign Creator

3216 Connect Op Shop

Armstrong Creek, VIC

SINCE Jun 2017

