Craigs Kidney battle

$100 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



My husband craig has been suffering from kidney disease now for most of our relationship and i have been there every step of the way some days are better than others but we always just remind ourselfs there is always someone worse off than us.
It all begain in 2009 our relationship was only just beginning craig was 25 and i was 22 i remeber craig getting that phone call that would see our lives turned upside down he was rushed straight to the hospital than rushed to another hospital 2hrs from home from there he went straight into surgery and had a permacath inserted in his chest direct to his heart this was the only option they had cause he needed urgent dialysis at this point we had no idea what was happening he was scared and i was scared for him doctors finally came to speak to us and explained what was going on they informed us they got to him just in time he had roughly 3 days left before he be either in a coma or worse dead.
We spent 2 weeks in hospital trying to get him stablelised it was one thing after another tests, treatments, bleed outs, medication felt like nothing i had ever felt before watching him go through this not knowing what the outcome would be or if he would even survive.
9 years on and we are still waiting for that call for transplant he suffers from servere depression which is very hard for myself to deal with the moods r unbearable sometimes but understandable, He now has treatment every second day for 8.5 hrs we got married in late 2012 never honeymooned as we couldnt afford to with the daily expenses that we face but all we can do is hope we will get the call in the new yr , i am fundraising today to help with the costs of accomadtion at hospitals, medication, transport as we live 2 hrs from the hospital, and so we can pay the bills when he is in the hospital, the transplant surgens are confident this will happen in the new yr as he is now got the green light the financial strain this is going to cause of family is huge i just dont no how i am going to raise the money in time i work fulltime nd care for him full time he is my world. Once transplanted he is to remain down there for 2months he will be in hotels nd not to mention the loss of income i dont usually do this kind thing we r more do things our self kind ppl nd never ask for help but a friend said to me there is nothing wrong with asking for a bit of help from time to time so here i am any money raised from this fundraiser will be used to help support our family financially when we get that call, as its an instant thing once you get the call you pretty much have to drop what you r doing and be there in a certain time to be preped for surgery, This will be a massive load and stress off our family knowing the money will be there when its most needed.
Thanku for talking the time to read our story keep your fingers crossed for us that the transplant will happen in early 2017

Fundraising For

Craig Beck

My husband has been suffering from Kidney disease for past 9 years so I am fund rising to help my family financially to cover medication, accommodation, travel to and from hospitals and loss of wages we will incure once he has his transplant as he spends a minimum 1-2 months in hospital

Funds Banked To

Rebecca Pilton

Campaign Creator

Rebecca Beck

Morwell, VIC

Thu, 8 Dec 2016

Jill Gaumann

$ 50

Wishing good news for you soon Craig & Bec.

Wed, 7 Dec 2016

Melissa Spinks

$ 50

Hoping you get that call soon!! <3

SINCE Dec 2016



$100 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Craig Beck

My husband has been suffering from Kidney disease for past 9 years so I am fund rising to help my family financially to cover medication, accommodation, travel to and from hospitals and loss of wages we will incure once he has his transplant as he spends a minimum 1-2 months in hospital

Funds Banked To

Rebecca Pilton

Campaign Creator

Rebecca Beck

Morwell, VIC

SINCE Dec 2016

