Stem Cell Therapy for Justin Szeto

$0 raised

TARGET $5,800

Please support this cause



Hello all. Back in early 2014 I spent all my money on experimental stem cell therapy which failed. Ever since Autologous Stem Cell Therapy has taken me on as a guinea pig, waving their fee to try and get results. This donation represents the next step in that process. It involves me going to Thailand where I will receive the injection via lumbar puncture. The company tried to get this done in Australia but were unable and so I need some money for tickets, hospitalization and doctor's fees. You will not be billed unless I reach my target, because half-way is no good to me. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.

I am blown away by all the support and love from all who have contributed, either financially or by informing others. Currently, I am about half way through the first day with personal thank yous. Anyway, my USD target has well and truly been met so beyond is just profiteering. But a campaign must run for a minimum amount of time (I think 50 days) so please stop, or if you absolutely must then please a tenth of what you were intending will be more than adequate at this point. At the moment travel looks set for November or December, I will keep you all posted.

Fundraising For

Justin Szeto

Stem Cell Therapy for Justin Szeto

Funds Banked To

Justin Szeto


Campaign Creator

Justin Szeto

Eight Mile Plains, QLD

Fri, 14 Oct 2016


Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Raymond Tong

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Jacquie Tong

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Daphne Szeto

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Leeanne Tse

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Henry Do

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Rainbow runner

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Jeff Szeto

Thu, 13 Oct 2016

Caroline Hamilton

Thu, 13 Oct 2016



SINCE Oct 2016



$0 raised

TARGET $5,800

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Justin Szeto

Stem Cell Therapy for Justin Szeto

Funds Banked To

Justin Szeto


Campaign Creator

Justin Szeto

Eight Mile Plains, QLD

SINCE Oct 2016

