For Helen's future

$790 raised

TARGET $7,000

Please support this cause



My dear friend Helen is currently battling inflammatory breast cancer. It is an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer and unfortunately out of those who are diagnosed only about 25% survive.

For two and half years, Helen has been battling this insidious disease. Helen has had four rounds of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy. Despite her ongoing use of these forms of treatment, the cancer continues to reoccurr.

Helen has exhausted nearly all types of conventional therapies and treatments and has been told by her specialists, her oncologist, that there is no cure.

Helen's struggle with breast cancer comes after a number of extremely traumatic events in her life. In 2009, Helen and her only daughter, lost their home and all belongings in the Black Saturday bush-fires in Kinglake. Helen is still grappling with this frightful event and has been diagnosed with PTSD as result of these experiences. Helen is also a single parent.

With monies raised from this campaign, Helen will be able to access some treatments that are not currently covered by Medicare in the hope that she might find a short reprieve. Helen has been told that access to very expensive immunotherapy might prolong her life.

In addition, these funds will assist Helen in her day to day expenses allowing her to live a more comfortable life. Unable to work she has been unable to attend to a number of her medical and personal needs as well as those of her daughters.

I know some of you know Helen. Some of you from the Bell community might remember Helen when her daughter attended the school. Some of you might also know Helen from Girl Guides.

I would be very thankful for any assistance for my friend Helen. She has faced many hurdles and it would be wonderful for her to not have to continue to struggle financially during this time.

Thank you for your help and if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Fundraising For

Helen Karsta

My dear friend Helen is currently battling inflammatory breast cancer. She has undergone various conventional forms of treatment which have been unable to stop this insidious disease. With your help, Helen will be able to access various forms of treatment in the hope of finding a cure.

Funds Banked To

Paula Hernandez

Campaign Creator

Paula Hernandez

Reservoir, VIC

Thu, 14 Jul 2016


$ 200
Thu, 14 Jul 2016

Karen, Eva and Katie

$ 100

Good luck Helen

Wed, 13 Jul 2016


$ 30
Sun, 26 Jun 2016


$ 300
Sun, 26 Jun 2016


$ 100
Fri, 24 Jun 2016

Paula Hernandez

$ 30
Thu, 23 Jun 2016


$ 30

SINCE Jun 2016



$790 raised

TARGET $7,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Helen Karsta

My dear friend Helen is currently battling inflammatory breast cancer. She has undergone various conventional forms of treatment which have been unable to stop this insidious disease. With your help, Helen will be able to access various forms of treatment in the hope of finding a cure.

Funds Banked To

Paula Hernandez

Campaign Creator

Paula Hernandez

Reservoir, VIC

SINCE Jun 2016

