Dave's Mullet Chop

$8,579 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



For those of you who know Dave you'll know... The hairstyle... The Mullet...

It's a funny thing, can't say it's my fav look, but it's something I and those close to him don't really notice as he has had it for so long now (10 years plus)... Unlike the countless strangers we encounter on our travels having to stop and shake his hand or take a picture and tell him how sick it is! - Straya Mate! Most days I'm sure Dave secretly loves the attention!

So, the mullet, back in October 2012 caused quite the uproar and saw him kicked out of the Print Hall establishment after only minutes spent inside... Not loud, not rude, not drunk... but for having a mullet!! Rude!! All was not lost, we moved my birthday celebrations to the much more accepting of Dave’s “type” Bar Lafayette! Thanks guys!

Soooo, get to the point I hear you say… The time has finally come and OH EM GEE the mullet is getting the CHOP!!

I've spent countless nights trying to think of some crafty name for the cause but my brain is filled with the likes of 'Let it gooooo' and 'Do you want to build a snowman' so I came up blank.... By all means if you've got some ideas shoot them my way!

Now Dave has always said he would one day chop his hair for charity, but not just any charity, one that meant much more to him than any other, in honour of his dad, Arnold. Dave lost his beloved dad on the 28th October 2009 to a horrible, horrible disease - Asbestosis/Mesothelioma!

Arnold was a great man, and those that had the pleasure of knowing him, will know that!

Arnold lived for his family, he was a loving husband to Nancy and father to David & Tracy. He was a funny man full of funny quirks, much like Dave! He most definitely passed on his love of a bargain to Dave (aka Mr Gumtree) safe to say, Arnold was Mr Quokka. Thursdays weren't complete unless the Quokka & highlighter made an appearance!! Together over the years they spent many weekends trawling the papers, garage sales, swap meets etc on hunt of a bargain, to add to the countless other bargains sitting in the shed already!!!

Arnold was also an outspoken man, never one to sugar coat a thing, a strong man, a stubborn man, and a damn fighter right till the very end!!

Arnold would have made the most amazing Poppy to his now 4 grandchildren, whom he sadly never had the chance to meet!

Asbestosis/Mesothelioma seems to be a disease, many know little about, of course these days most are aware that asbestos exposure is dangerous. That however, seems to be all that is known, and it is rarely taken seriously, nor are many aware of just how dangerous it actually is!! Which is so stupid? Asbestos caused illnesses are absolutely heartbreaking and there needs to be more awareness of the awful consequences it can cause.

The Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia (ADSA) is an independent non-profit organisation with broad objectives to do just this, create awareness, provide assistance both emotionally and financially and most importantly, fundraise for medical research.

ADSA formed back in 1979 and in the last 35 years have provided support to thousands of sufferers and their families. All services provided by the society are free and all support they receive by way of monetary donations will assist with their medical research, support services and lifesaving treatments!

The Society’s current membership exceeds 14,500 and continues to grow! 14,5000 + !!!! Shocking that so many people have been affected and continue to be affected by this horrible substance!

So it is for this reason that Dave has decided to raise as much money as he possibly can for ADSA. But ultimately, for his dad! No amount of money will bring him back, nor will it miraculously cure those currently suffering but it sure will help ADSA in their mission!

Dave has decided he will chop the mullet, Sunday 3rd July 2016 giving us 3 months to spread the word near and far and raise as much as we can! If him getting kicked out of a pub for the mullet can spread worldwide, surely him chopping it off can as well!

An event may be created closer to the date for those that may want to witness the chop! Will keep you posted. Until then spread the word, tell your friends, tell your family and donate what you can!

Go Go GO!!!

Much love x

** UPDATE **

Contact was made with the Printhall establishment with regards to Dave's fundraising cause...

They have jumped on board and are super excited to be apart of the event!

Bob's Bar at Printhall will be hosting Dave's big chop on Sunday 3rd July, donating $1 from every Colonial Can (Kolsch and Small Ale) sold on the day as well as additional donations via catering and raffle prizes.

If you or someone you may know are interested in donating any goods/services/vouchers to be raffled or auctioned off, please let me know.

I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Asbestos Disease Society of Australia (ASDA)

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Asbestos Disease Society of Australia (ASDA). The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.


About Fundraiser

David Hoogland

Morley, WA

Sat, 9 Jul 2016


$ 50
Mon, 4 Jul 2016

peter mcmorrow

$ 150
Mon, 4 Jul 2016

Helen Turner

$ 100
Mon, 4 Jul 2016

Mullet Chop Event Proceeds

$ 1605

Cash donations received at Mullet Chop Event through raffle sales & personal donations. Thanks guys!!

Mon, 4 Jul 2016

Print Hall

$ 61

Proceeds raised from sales of Colonial Cans at Print Hall - Congratulations

Sun, 3 Jul 2016

Jenna Brown

$ 50

Great job Dave! Clinton, Jenna, Ashley & Ella

Sun, 3 Jul 2016

Anna G

$ 75

Love your work Dave

Sun, 3 Jul 2016

Paul Emin

$ 50
Sun, 3 Jul 2016

Caroline Seubert

$ 30

Dave, Sarah, Ivy and Nate we wish you all well for today

Sun, 3 Jul 2016

Joshua From

$ 100

For Arnie Josh, Kristy & Carter

SINCE Apr 2016



$8,579 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for Asbestos Disease Society of Australia (ASDA)

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Asbestos Disease Society of Australia (ASDA). The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

David Hoogland

Morley, WA

SINCE Apr 2016

