Raising Ronnie

$2,375 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



Sorry for the long wait but we have been waiting on news from Bali, so the latest is that Ronnie is now in a Surabya awaiting his operation. He has travelled there to undergo this operation at this particular hospital as he will receive better care and hopefully the wait for the operation wont be too far away. Ronnie is much closer to his family which is good for his spirits. We are continuing to raise funds as this operation will cost in excess of $6,000 so we still need your help. So please share this around and hopefully we can raise some more funds for Ronnie.

Ok so we have had another update from Bali, Ronnie is progressing well but still has a long way to go, we now have a hospital bill of over $4800!!!! We need Ronnie to stay where he is in order for him to keep progressing, please people we really need your help!!!! Please share Ronnies story, he is worrying about how the bill will get paid on top of everything else he has to worry about..... Thank you to everyone who has donated your help is why he is still with us!

Well, mum and kylie have returned home on Thursday....they have arranged for a local charity group to make regular visits to Ronnie in hospital so that we can keep track of his progress until mum can return to Bali.
So Ronnie is out of ICU and now in a ward, he is slowly improving. The doctors have identified he infection in his neck as a result of the lumbar puncture. They are treating Ronnie with IV antibiotics and will do so for another 2 weeks to see if he has any movement.....fingers crossed that this will be all he needs. If the antibiotics don't improve his movement, then Ronnie will need to undergo an operation on his neck to relieve the pressure.
So although he has come a long way he still has a long way to go. We would like to thank each an everyone of you who has donated toward this fund. I can tell you that the money raised so far has paid for part of his stay in hospital.
Please share this update with your friends and family, we need to get our beautiful Ronnie back on his feet!....Thanks again

Update from Bali - WE HAVE A SMILE!!

Last visit with Roni today before we leave to fly home ????
Fortunately he is out of ICU and in his own room now which is a very good sign
He's responding well to the Iv antibiotics and we should no in a couple of weeks if he will need an operation on his spine to help with the paralisis in his body however we have just received another bill for $2100 that we are unable to pay as we have exhausted all of our funds
Ronis hospital stay will also be a minimum of $145 per day plus medication for at least a month
Please if you can donate any amount would greatly be appreciated to help this beautiful man in his recovery !!!!!!!
MANY THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So our gorgeous Ronnie is still keeping up the fight, small improvements but he is keeping up the fight. I know I have said it before but please share this post as we need to keep the donations coming in, he is going to need long term care. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who had donated, it has made a difference. Mum and Kylie told Ronnie about this fundraiser and he started to cry xx he is so thankful but as you can imagine he is very frightened about the future and what is going to happen when mum and Kylie have to come home. Let's put his mind at ease and let him know that we have secured some funds to help pay for his recovery!! Thanks again

We have had news from Bali that Ronnie has had a slight improvement, however he will need to have a lumbar puncher test done, as you can imagine this is very costly. We have raised $720 so far which has paid for the MRI and half a day in ICU, we are now running on empty. Mum and Kylie have run out of money and hence my post today. We really need your help, please share and share to get the message out. Dig deep people, if you know people that are not in Facebook, please email me directly and I will email you a link, I also have account details for a direct deposit if you prefer that. My email is baybeck1@bigpond.com

So we have an update on Ronnies condition, he has had a slight improvement over night, he is recognising family and friends, he is still very sick but with the proper care can get better and better each day.... As mentioned in earlier posts, the bills are coming in, we need all that we can to ensure his care can continue. Thanks

Many years ago my family sponsored Ronnie to come to Australia to live with us for 12 months. We wanted him to experience Australia and See how we lived. Ronnie was so thankful for the opportunity and we were sad to see him go home, however we have continued to stay close with Ronnie and his family. He is married and has a young daughter.
Unfortunately, last year Ronnie had a motorbike accident and injured his neck, he was slowly getting better only to suffer a series of strokes which has now left him completely paralysed.
After seeing photos of him from his daugher and pleads for help to make her dad better, mum and Kylie decided to fly o we to assess the situation. As many of you that have visited Bali, the English barrier can be difficult and we had no idea the scope of his condition until mum and Kylie arrived. You may have seen some photos uploaded on Facebook recently, hence our decision to start a fundraiser to help with the ongoing cost of his care. Ronnie is the kindest most gentle man and to see him in this way is just heart wrenching. So if you have a spare $1 or $2 that you could throw our way, it would be so appreciated. I will be updating this page frequently with the progress and again anything you can spare would go directly to Ronnie and his family.
I have chosen the name Raising Ronnie because that what we want to do, raise him out of that bed and out of that chair and get him back on his feet! Thanks in advance

Fundraising For

Ronnie Augustine

To raise money to assist Ronnies rehabilitation and medical costs incurred since his accident last year. He requires ongoing medical supplies, rehabilitation services and specialist medical treatment and testing.

Funds Banked To

Rebecca Moore


Campaign Creator

Rebecca Moore

Gilston, QLD

Mon, 22 Feb 2016

John & Sandra West

$ 100
Mon, 15 Feb 2016

John & Sandra West

$ 100
Fri, 12 Feb 2016

Vanessa Cliff

$ 25

Get better soon Ronnie.

Tue, 9 Feb 2016

John&Sandra West

$ 100
Sat, 6 Feb 2016

Elisha Webster

$ 30

Love from the Webstersx

Thu, 4 Feb 2016

michelle o'reilly

$ 150

Comon' people let's get Ronnie better!

Thu, 4 Feb 2016

Koby Miller

$ 20

After listening to Sandra speak to me about what an amazing person you are I wanted to do something to help. Keep positive and I wish you a healthy recovery.

Tue, 2 Feb 2016

Mel Clarke

$ 50

Thinking of you Roni and wishing you a speedy recovery, love Mel Clarke x

Tue, 2 Feb 2016

Kelly Cheam

$ 25
Tue, 2 Feb 2016

Michelle O'Reilly

$ 50

Big hugs to all xoxo

SINCE Jan 2016



$2,375 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Ronnie Augustine

To raise money to assist Ronnies rehabilitation and medical costs incurred since his accident last year. He requires ongoing medical supplies, rehabilitation services and specialist medical treatment and testing.

Funds Banked To

Rebecca Moore


Campaign Creator

Rebecca Moore

Gilston, QLD

SINCE Jan 2016

