Supporting Sam Baker

$26,790 raised

TARGET $35,000

Please support this cause


Hi, my name is Claire and this is my brother, Sam. We grew up in country NSW in Australia. Sam’s got three other sisters too… The poor bugger.

As kids, we loved nothing more than being outside, climbing trees or riding our bikes. The house was always chock-full with our friends from school. Our small community has always played a big part in our lives.

As a keen traveller, loyal friend and aspiring road bike racer, Sam only continued to deepen his love for being on two wheels. After leaving school, he bought a house, completed an apprenticeship to become a qualified Fitter & Turner and at 22, he moved to Perth with a group of his mates to begin the next chapter of his young life.

In December 2012, Sam sustained a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident that left him in a coma for 3 months.

We were told by his Doctors that it was possible Sam mightn’t ever wake up.

He did. And over the past three years, as he’s moved from hospital to hospital, he’s undergone physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy and speech therapy.

A recent milestone for Sam was being able to finally come home, after Mum and Dad renovated our family home to accommodate Sam’s needs as a young man living with a disability.

Sam communicates with us via a keyboard and screen, with hand movements and of course his huge laugh and smile. He certainly hasn’t lost his sense of humour.

Despite Sam’s amazing progress, he requires twenty-four hour care, he is non-verbal (which means we haven’t heard his jokes in far too long) and he is unable to walk or do everyday things without the assistance of others.

As you can imagine, life looks very different since Sam’s accident. Our parents, Wayne and Jeanette, have spent countless hours by his side over the past few years. They have supported and encouraged Sam in and out of hospitals and Mum is now his primary carer at home.

Like any parent, they would do anything to improve the quality of life for their son. Their love and devotion to him has made all the difference in his recovery so far.

And now, they’re about to take another big leap together into the unknown, with an exciting and ground-breaking opportunity that could potentially take Sam’s recovery to the next level.

Perispinal Etanercept is a breakthrough and controversial treatment that has the potential to positively change the lives of those living with inflammatory neurological disorders such Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and those who have suffered a stroke.

While there are funds being raised to support pre-approved clinical trials of this treatment here in Australia, unfortunately it is currently only available in the United States. But that hasn’t stopped dozens of desperate Aussies travelling to America to receive this treatment and the success stories are staggering.

Basically, Perispinal Etanercept treatment is a round of injections that work to neutralise excess TNF, which is centrally involved in inflammation of the brain, thus improving many aspects of brain function.

After speaking with family members of those who have received this treatment, my parent’s minds were blown. Success stories included loved ones walking for the first time in 23 years, greater awareness and insight, improved motor skills, the ability to talk and communicate like never before and on and on and on.

Naturally, Mum applied to the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Los Angeles, to see if Sam would be a candidate for this profound treatment.

They said… Yes.

And so, on the 28th of December 2015, Sam will fly to Los Angeles with my parents to undergo this radical treatment. We have no idea what will happen. There are no guarantees here. But there is of course, endless hope. Throughout this entire journey, there has always been hope.

The treatment, flights and accommodation in America will be a huge investment in Sam’s recovery and in his life. He will be administered with 3 injections, each costing $7,500. This adventure is going to be an expensive one, up to $35,000. but at the same time, potentially priceless.

How could we not take the leap if it meant the possibility of a transformation for Sam?

If you feel called to play a part in this uncertain, but exciting new chapter of Sam’s recovery, we are welcoming any donation, big or small, to go towards funding this treatment. We are so grateful for the support we have already received over the past few years and could not have made it through without the kindness, compassion and generosity we have been shown.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Here’s to exciting possibilities ahead!
Sam Baker
Stroke Recovery Trial Fund

Fundraising For

Sam Baker

I'm raising money to support my brother Sam who had a motorcycle accident three years ago, resulting in a traumatic brain injury that has left him unable to walk, talk or do everyday things. He is travelling to America for treatment with my parents and we are raising money to help fund their trip.

Funds Banked To

Sam Baker

Stroke Recovery Trial Fund

Stroke Recovery Trial Fund (SRTF) activities are to educate the community about brain injury and stroke and to support research in this area including Perispinal Etanercept Treatment.

Campaign Creator

Claire Baker

Mosman Park, WA

Fri, 5 Feb 2016

Tiffany Millar

$ 100

Wishing the whole family all the best on this journey!!!

Sun, 24 Jan 2016

Olivia Gallaway

$ 50
Sat, 16 Jan 2016

Bec Healy

$ 20

Thinking of you Sam all the time. All the best!

Wed, 13 Jan 2016

Andrew and Kate Stevens

$ 20

Best wishes to Sam and the Baker family

Tue, 12 Jan 2016

Trevor King

$ 100

All the best Baker!

Tue, 12 Jan 2016

Sarah Jensen

$ 25

Thinking of you and your family Claire.

Tue, 12 Jan 2016

Donna Simpson & Neville Caseley

$ 200

Hi we are Donna & Neville, Sam Love's Mum and Step dad, your Sam gave our Sam and partner at the time, room to stop in when they moved to Perth about 2008 as parents we were very grateful. Our Sam informed us of your brothers accident when it happened, very sad blew us all away. Our Sam has been keeping us up to date and we are so happy to help. Our wish is for your Brother Sam to benefit from this hugely, Best of luck our thoughts are with you all. Donna & Neville

Sun, 10 Jan 2016

Adisa Hubanic

$ 50

Sending love and strength. You've got this xxx

Wed, 6 Jan 2016

matt burton

$ 200
Wed, 6 Jan 2016

Jenny and Rob Thomas

$ 20

Good luck to the Baker family

SINCE Dec 2015



$26,790 raised

TARGET $35,000

Please support this cause

Sam Baker
Stroke Recovery Trial Fund

Fundraising For

Sam Baker

I'm raising money to support my brother Sam who had a motorcycle accident three years ago, resulting in a traumatic brain injury that has left him unable to walk, talk or do everyday things. He is travelling to America for treatment with my parents and we are raising money to help fund their trip.

Funds Banked To

Sam Baker

Stroke Recovery Trial Fund

Stroke Recovery Trial Fund (SRTF) activities are to educate the community about brain injury and stroke and to support research in this area including Perispinal Etanercept Treatment.

Campaign Creator

Claire Baker

Mosman Park, WA

SINCE Dec 2015

