
$390 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



My beautiful neighbour is 91. All she wants in life is to remain independent. I don't agree with her choice. Retirement homes are now wonderful. She'd have company, outings and friendship but she cannot be told! She's deaf, partially blind but a little battler. Independent to the hilt! Recently her grand daughter reconnected with her and took on the role of 'carer'. Joyce has been so happy for the past four or so months having her grand daughter around. Joyce's life savings totalled just under $50,000.. Last Fri, Joyce went to the bank (where she keeps her passbook. Joyce doesn't even have a bank card). She went to get some money out. She had no money. $2.38. Her grand daughter has fleeced everything. The police are now involved and this girl will probably face goal. The grand daughter signed her up for Internet banking and Joyce signed the papers. She trusted her grand daughter. We've just found out that she has already been in goal for fraud as she has a gambling addiction. Joyce had no idea. Joyce does not understand or know anything really about the Internet but was told she needed it so the grand daughter could pay her bills. She loved that girl. Is mourning already her loss of her grand daughter even though she's the cause of her misery. My utter dismay however is how this happened. Whenever there is any unusual activity on my account, the bank phone me. Joyce is known to the staff at the bank in question. How can such a huge amount of money be taken out over a few months through Internet banking and the banks not notify Joyce. Such gross incompetence. Joyce is saving thousands of government money by being at home. She does not accept any help. She does her own cleaning and cooking, home maintenance (with my help!!!) and shopping. Today she cried. She's so tiny but I never noticed how tiny she is until today. This has shaken her to the core. I want her to know that people care. She's an amazing 'old duck', I want to help her, she's beautiful X

Fundraising For

Joyce McLeod

My neighbour is 91. Her granddaughter recently (about 5 months) came back into her life. Joyce is a pensioner who had $50,000 invested to take her to life's end. Her grand daughter fleeced her of every cent. Today she has $2.43.

Funds Banked To

Joyce McLeod


Campaign Creator

leah watson

Bellambi, NSW

Sun, 29 Nov 2015

Alison Clissold

$ 200

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year

Sat, 28 Nov 2015

Siberia family

$ 100

All the best Joyce. You have a wonderful caring neighbour

Sat, 28 Nov 2015


$ 20
Sat, 28 Nov 2015

Karen Casserly

$ 20

Good on you Leah helping your neighbour - sadly the money won't replace the emptiness in Joyce's heart but I do hope it helps her to see not everyone is rotten to the core Best of luck Joyce

Sat, 28 Nov 2015

leah watson

$ 50

SINCE Nov 2015



$390 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Joyce McLeod

My neighbour is 91. Her granddaughter recently (about 5 months) came back into her life. Joyce is a pensioner who had $50,000 invested to take her to life's end. Her grand daughter fleeced her of every cent. Today she has $2.43.

Funds Banked To

Joyce McLeod


Campaign Creator

leah watson

Bellambi, NSW

SINCE Nov 2015

