
$0 raised

TARGET $3,000

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If anyone’s ever been in love before then you already know what i’m about to say.

It all started with a spontaneous trip leading me from Australia to America. The only 2 things I was sure of was that I was spending a set amount of days in LA and then onto NY where I would “find my feet”. I was going into this trip without knowing what to expect, what i was going to see or what my experiences would involve. I wasn't even sure if i was going to move to america until what seemed like the whole reason for my existence hit me square in the face. Only a few days after landing in LA I met a man name Maurizio who straight up told me he has 4 more days to make me fall in love with him. I laughed this off at the time, but little did I know, those brazen words spoken to me in that Hollywood cafe would be the moment my world was turned upside down.

No moments were wasted in this whirlwind of a romance, Saphira pushed back her looming NY trip to spend more time with this intriguing Man. A few days in, he gave her the keys to his apartment insisting “we spend no time apart”, and thats exactly what happened… However, 1 week in and I had New York calling my name. That’s why I had ultimately come all this way, to tick NY off the list, to discover the unknown. So with great uncertainty and a heavy heart I left him to pursue a life goal of living in NY. I had no idea if i was doing the right thing but this was something I needed to do for me. Luck would have it though, a week later he came to NY for a wedding he had planned months prior. When i saw him again, that feeling of familiarity and comfort came rushing back, all was right with the world again. Everything just made more sense when we were together, right then i knew that this was no longer just a feeling, this was something very real.

After an amazing week together, Maurizio left NY selflessly wishing me well, rooting me on and giving me all the bits and pieces of information he knew from living there once before himself. We kept in touch every day but with every day that passed I felt the growing need to return back to LA, back to him. We both finally agreed that we needed to be together, so I jumped on the red eye, returning to him and what I had hoped would be my new home.

Now I could harp on for paragraphs about how much fun we had finally being back together again in LA, living in his tiny studio and loving every moment of it, but unfortunately that’s not why I’ve created this cause. The story doesn't get better, because before it had the chance, it got worse.

I had a planned trip to the Caribbean, although Maurizio longed to go with me he unfortunately couldn't get the time off work. SO we both agreed I would go alone, just a few days away from each other, we could handle that. What started out as a holiday to the tropics ended in myself being denied entry into the US, detained, then sent straight back to Australia without any notice or a chance to say goodbye. Maurizio, just left with all of my belongings sitting in our shared studio apartment in LA, waiting for my return… Now, our only option to be reunited is to have him fly to Australia where we plan to fly to visit my family in New Zealand over Christmas, and with that comes a hefty airfare. This is where we need the help of each and every one of you to help pay for this…

So if you believe in love, want to pay it forward or perhaps have witnessed first hand the love we have for one another, here is the place to show your support and donate to our cause.

Thank you
Saphira and Maurizio.

Fundraising For

Saphira & Maurizio

Reuniting two loves from opposite sides of the world who were quite abruptly separated form each other.

Funds Banked To

Saphira Tuffery

Campaign Creator

Saphira and Maurizio

Richmond, VIC

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Sep 2015



$0 raised

TARGET $3,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Saphira & Maurizio

Reuniting two loves from opposite sides of the world who were quite abruptly separated form each other.

Funds Banked To

Saphira Tuffery

Campaign Creator

Saphira and Maurizio

Richmond, VIC

SINCE Sep 2015

