The Demos Family

$20,621 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause



Our fundraiser is to support the Demos Family at a very difficult time in their life.

George, age 53, is a father of 2 children, and husband to beautiful wife, Paula. He was diagnosed with a motor neurone disease in 2013, and over the last year his health has significantly deteriorated.

George has changed from being a healthy, fit father who loved ocean swimming and surfing everyday to being wheelchair bound.

He has lost the ability to walk or even stand for short periods of time.

He is in a constant state of pain.

George was the main income earner for his family and is now very much unable to work. His wife Paula has been forced to quit her job in order to care for him.

Their house is in desperate need of modification to accommodate George's growing needs.
Most importantly, changing the front steps to a ramp to allow him to have wheelchair access to the house.
Additionally the bathroom needs to be modified with handle bars and safety rails to allow George to have more independence.

On top of these immediate medical needs, the Demos Family also needs financial support for their most basic needs including gas, electricity, mortgage payments and groceries.

If you can help in any way please donate, every cent will be greatly appreciated.


Fundraising For

George Demos

At 53, he has been diagnosed with a motor neurone disease. George, a fit and healthy father of 2, has deteriorated over the last year, suffering many debilitating symptoms, losing the ability to walk and is now wheelchair bound. He is in a constant state of pain and anxiety.

Funds Banked To

Anastasia Alexiou

Campaign Creator

Anastasia Alexiou

Marrickville, NSW

Tue, 29 Dec 2015

Barb Stevens

$ 100

Sorry to hear. My friend Theodora told me. Best wishes from Barb Stevens.

Mon, 30 Nov 2015

Peter Kalaf

$ 2500
Tue, 17 Nov 2015


$ 50

Love, Light & blessings for the Highest Good

Mon, 26 Oct 2015

Mim Kalaf

$ 150

You are in my thoughts George. Love to you & your family. ❤

Sun, 25 Oct 2015

Anthony and Karyn

$ 1000

Love to George and family.

Tue, 6 Oct 2015

John & Nicki Kalaf

$ 1500

All our love Nicki and John

Sun, 4 Oct 2015

Irene George

$ 150

Always thinking of you with love and fond memories. Your Nona, Aunty Rene.

Sun, 4 Oct 2015

Dorothea Scotis

$ 200

Always thinking of you. Keep smiling, lots of love and positive thoughts. Dorothy

Thu, 1 Oct 2015

Irene Kritikides

$ 400

Dearest George Our love to you, Paula and your family. Our thoughts are with you all. Your Cousins Irene Kritikides and family

Thu, 1 Oct 2015

Peggy Paltos

$ 1000

Dearest George Thinking of you and your family. My love to you all. Aunty Peggy Paltos

SINCE Jun 2015



$20,621 raised

TARGET $20,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

George Demos

At 53, he has been diagnosed with a motor neurone disease. George, a fit and healthy father of 2, has deteriorated over the last year, suffering many debilitating symptoms, losing the ability to walk and is now wheelchair bound. He is in a constant state of pain and anxiety.

Funds Banked To

Anastasia Alexiou

Campaign Creator

Anastasia Alexiou

Marrickville, NSW

SINCE Jun 2015

