Islamic Relief Australia is a non-profit humanitarian aid organisation, working in 46 countries. We promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and disease. We also respond to disasters and emergencies, helping people in crisis and in their time of need.
We are inspired and informed by the Islamic ethos of social justice. Our key values are excellent, sincerity, social justice compassion and custodianship.
IR Australia is registered as a PBI (Public Benevolent Institution), and is also a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) which means that donations of $2 or more to IR Australia are Tax Deductible as regarded by the Australian Taxation Office.
IR Australia is a legally separate and independent member of a global family of collaborating relief organisations that share a common vision, mission, and family identity, and all of which use the term Islamic Relief as part of their organisational name.
ACFID LogoIslamic Relief Australia is an active member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and adheres to the ACFID Code of Conduct which defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability of development for non-government organisations (NGOs). Complaints relating to a breach of the ACFID Code of Conduct can be made to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee.