Family Nurturing Centre Mental Health Station
Home of yoga Club The Mindful Home
Family Nurturing Centre
Celebrating Life Celebrating Community
The Family Nurturing Centre's mission is to support families through the provision of resources, services and education to lay the foundations of mental health and well being in the family.
Through revitalizing community and connecting families that align themselves with the spirit of nurturing, empathy and cooperation, children flourish and the whole society benefits.
The FNC is directed by Sydel Weinstein and was co-founded by Sam & Sydel Weinstein in Perth, Western Australia in 1989 and incorporated as a public benevolent society in 1995. Thousands of families have been through its doors.
Old African Proverb: "It takes a village to raise a child"
During the time of the coronavirus re are re-organsing on line to offer personal parent and baby classes that offer support, community, baby massage, mindfulness and coping techniques, Yoga and Singing with on line resources and a Song book!
Your donations will help us to get this online in the immediate weeks to come as needed by mums dads and bubs everywhere.
Mental Health Station
Under the Family Nurturing Centre entity we also conduct a mental health education program the Mental Health Station.
Stay tune for Mental Health Resouces to share for free and online courses in the weeks ahead.
Your Donations help us to re-organise and get on line quickly. The community needs our services
in the time ahead.
Heart Place
Over 2020 we are expanding to under an umbrella name of Heart Place www.heartplace.org.au
Every person has a right to belong, to feel a sense of connection to place and community. When we feel this connection we have hope in our hearts, can move forward with meaning and purpose according to each of our individual journeys, yet connected to a sense of the greater good.
Our vision of heart place is of a compassionate world where we are responsive to the suffering of others and ourselves. Where all people have a sense of place, a right to place, and can find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Our mission is to provide educational, healing and community based activities that promotes: compassion, connection, community.
Our Focus: Three interrelated areas of healing are the Relationship with one self, each other and the land.
Under Heart Place will sit 5 programs with Healing at the centre - yoga, body therapy, mindfulness, coherance.
Creativity & Expression: Art, Music & Craft
Education - Mental Health Station- workshops on empathy, compassion and much more
Family Support - Our Family Nurturing Centre Classes
Community - events that explore and reflect our vision
Nature - based activities exploring our relationship with nature and contributing to protecting our planet
Donations received at this time help us to seed and bring to flower as quickly as possible over the on line domain our services. During this time of sustained isolation we need communty, and access to practices that can support us to embody, calm, connect and heal.
This includes resources and courses for Trauma Informed communities and Healing Spaces plus the Mindful Home.
We have a lot to share please support us
to upgrade equipment, websites
& re package 35 years of experience
into on line accessibe formats.
Thank you for your kind support.
Sydel Weinstein