Barwon Health Palliative Care Service (Geelong) 03 5279 2800
Barwon South Western Regional Integrated Cancer Service (BSWRICS) .
BSWRICS is the partnership organisation for all health services delivering cancer care in the Barwon South Western Region. The Program is funded by the Department of Health as part of the development of a Cancer Services Framework for Victoria 2005 and more recently to support Victoria's Cancer Action Plan 2008-2011.
BSWRICS is based at Barwon Health and works with all health services within the region to improve service coordination, planning and quality of cancer services.
BSWRICS is undertaking its role by consulting and collaborating with regional health partners and consumers. The goals of service improvement are being guided by a Strategic Plan that articulates a program to improve coordination and integration of services through care that is multidisciplinary, supportive, coordinated and responsive to the needs of the Barwon Region community. For further information please go to About Us.