CHARGE syndrome is a complex syndrome of multi sensory impairments. Individuals have impaired hearing, vision, smell, taste, touch, proprioception and inner ear balance. Multiple disciplines are involved long term in the lives of these individuals; from medical intervention to communication strategies, sensory integration, behaviour management, therapy and education support. Unfortunately for families, many of our health and educational professionals do not fully understand CHARGE syndrome and the complexities of multi sensory impairment.
The CHARGE Syndrome Association of Australasia is committed to improving this knowledge gap by raising awareness of CHARGE syndrome through its activities. We host biennial conferences, organise local networks and events (CHARGE Champions), provide outreach services to families and professionals (CHARGE Assist), and contribute to research.
We rely heavily on donations, fundraising, grants and sponsorship to support our activities. Please consider donating to CSAA so that we can continue to inform, connect and inspire our community and raise awareness of CHARGE syndrome.