Research to determine the likely success of the Blue Haven Raiders and factual data was sourced and evaluated for months during 2006 by our clubs foundation members: Brian Howden, Mark D'Silva and Mick & Jackie James before our application was filed with the Central Coast Division of Junior Rugby League.
Together they become the Inaugural Green Machine and set about the task of creating and establishing a junior sport club and brand that has its day to day activities co-ordinated and conducted in ways that will always be fair, impartial and consistent.
The importance of planning during the foundation process for the long term viability of the Blue Haven Raiders required a systematic approach. The Green Machine wanted to create Community Ownership of the Raiders and Lifestyle opportunities for the children and families within the Blue Haven and surrounding communities - identifying and involving those with an interest and importantly creating awareness for others.
Public Meetings were advertised within the local papers and conducted at Blue Haven Primary School and San Remo Neighbourhood Centre to gauge if there was sufficient demand and interest within the community for a junior rugby league club to be established - and the community welcomed and embraced the idea.
An interim committee was formed with Brian being elected our inaugural Chairman and Mark our inaugural Treasurer. Both Brian & Mark set about the task of securing potential funding, facilities and equipment if the Raiders application was going to be successful.
The next process was conducting a community based Annual General Meeting (A.G.M) at Blue Haven Public School with the success of the Blue Haven Raiders depending on gaining sufficient community involvement to support the Green Machines initiative.
The Blue Haven and surrounding communities including representatives from Country Rugby league and Central Coast Division of Junior Rugby League embraced the Green Machine concept and the Blue Haven Raiders Junior Rugby League Club was born.



Research to determine the likely success of the Blue Haven Raiders and factual data was sourced and evaluated for months during 2006 by our clubs foundation members: Brian Howden, Mark D'Silva and Mick & Jackie James before our application was filed with the Central Coast Division of Junior Rugby League.
Together they become the Inaugural Green Machine and set about the task of creating and establishing a junior sport club and brand that has its day to day activities co-ordinated and conducted in ways that will always be fair, impartial and consistent.
The importance of planning during the foundation process for the long term viability of the Blue Haven Raiders required a systematic approach. The Green Machine wanted to create Community Ownership of the Raiders and Lifestyle opportunities for the children and families within the Blue Haven and surrounding communities - identifying and involving those with an interest and importantly creating awareness for others.
Public Meetings were advertised within the local papers and conducted at Blue Haven Primary School and San Remo Neighbourhood Centre to gauge if there was sufficient demand and interest within the community for a junior rugby league club to be established - and the community welcomed and embraced the idea.
An interim committee was formed with Brian being elected our inaugural Chairman and Mark our inaugural Treasurer. Both Brian & Mark set about the task of securing potential funding, facilities and equipment if the Raiders application was going to be successful.
The next process was conducting a community based Annual General Meeting (A.G.M) at Blue Haven Public School with the success of the Blue Haven Raiders depending on gaining sufficient community involvement to support the Green Machines initiative.
The Blue Haven and surrounding communities including representatives from Country Rugby league and Central Coast Division of Junior Rugby League embraced the Green Machine concept and the Blue Haven Raiders Junior Rugby League Club was born.