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May 18 2020

Why should I donate during EOFY?

Did you know that when you donate to a charity you are not only helping your chosen cause, you are also getting some benefits of your own. No matter which type of cause you are supporting, making a donation to an Australian tax-deductible registered charity will make your life easier at the end of the financial year (EOFY).


So why donate to charity?


1. Make yourself feel happier

The act of giving to others and to a cause that is important to you, can give you a feeling of satisfaction. Not only because you know that your favourite charity is being supported, but also because the actual act of giving increases happiness.

2. Show your gratitude

Everyone experiences varying degrees of misfortune throughout their life, and in our low moments we need support. Donating to a charity that supported you in some way while you were down is a fantastic way to show how much you appreciated their help now that you are in a better place in your life.

3. Show your support 

If you believe in something, then put your money where your beliefs are. Some organisations make real change in the community through advocacy and activism. They need your help to fulfil their mission.

4. Teaching the next generation

Making a donation to a charity is a way to teach your children the importance of community, generosity, and strong morals, among other important life lessons. Charity donations are more than just a financial contribution to a cause, they are a signifier of strong character.

5. Be part of a community

If you are not in a position to make a monetary contribution to a charity cause you believe in, you can donate your time by volunteering and become a part of a charity’s community of like-minded individuals. Make friends and make a difference by doing what you can for a charity.

6. Financial benefits at tax time

During tax time at the end of the financial year, you are able to claim back on taxes you have paid with a tax deductible receipt from a donation made to an Australian charity. When you make a tax deductible donation of over $2 you receive a tax receipt you can give to your accountant or lodge yourself.


For whichever reason you are donating to charity this end of financial year, you can choose from thousands of Australian tax deductible charities to contribute to at Donating through mycause allows you to choose one or multiple charities to donate to at once and your tax receipt will be emailed to you immediately. Learn more about EOFY giving