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June 25 2015

Assistance dogs helping people live with disability

Dogs are colloquially known as man's best friend – but we reckon we can prove the saying in a truly literal sense. 

We see stories everyday about regular Australians who need guide dogs, post traumatic stress dogs, diabetes dogs etc...

Assistance dogs don't just help the blind – their heroic companionship is extremely varied. 

Crowdfunders have used mycause to raise thousands of dollars to purchase an assistance dog with events, charity partnerships and personal cause campaigns. 

For example, last year The Gift of Lucky raised over $41,000 for The Defence Bank Foundation

Joshua, who started the campaign, is a former soldier living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He's been able to manage his illness with the help of his PTSD dog Lucky.

In honour of lucky and to afford the help he's had from other soldiers, he decided to raise funds for Defence Bank. 

Below is a photo of Joshua with Lucky and his two children:

Here are some more of our amazing assistance dogs campaigns:

Getting a smart pup for Hayden!

There are smart pups for young kids with autism.

Assistance dogs for a former athlete who is quadriplegic.

Dogs for Kids with disabilities, Assistance Dogs Australia and Seeing Eye Dogs Australia

Michael and Fizz