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January 06 2015

Student nurse ready for Cambodia

Volunteer OverseasTRAVELLING in the summer university break is not uncommon for students. But for University of Newcastle nursing student Chelsea Cross, from Lemon Tree Passage, her three-week trip to Cambodia could be equally fun as it would be educational.

Ms Cross, 20, who is in her third year of her nursing studies, will be ones of 19 people travelling to Cambodia as part of the Antipodeans Abroad program. She will leave on Sunday.

In her suitcase will be toothbrushes, pens, notebooks and medical supplies which she would hand out at hospitals and a refuge for children at risk of trafficking.

Volunteer Overseas

"We'll be doing health check-ups, dental check-ups and measuring children's dimensions for data to compare their progress from last year," she said.

Ms Cross raised money for her trip by selling clothes on Facebook and with help from Lemon Tree Passage Bowling Club, where she works.

She was able to put collection tins on the bar, raising $611 and the board of directors donated $1000 to her cause.

"We'll be visiting health care facilities when we're in Cambodia. Depending on the resources these health facilities have, I'll donate the money to help."

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