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August 15 2023

Not Kate’s Time: Kate Malvenan’s Fundraises to Beat Cancer Twice



In a remarkable tale of resilience, Kate Malvenan, a Burleigh mother and businesswoman, is once again facing off against cancer. Having defied the odds to beat terminal lung cancer once before, Kate is now on a mission to overcome the disease for the second time.


Kate's journey began five years ago when she was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Doctors had given her a grim prognosis, predicting she wouldn't live beyond 2020. However, she defied their predictions, undergoing treatment at Mexico's Hope4Cancer Treatment Centre, a facility known for its non-traditional therapies. Her approach combined both traditional medicine's targeted therapies and complementary treatments such as laser therapy, heat therapy, emotional therapy, and nutritional therapy.


Following her initial three-week treatment in 2018, her PET scans showed a significant reduction in her primary tumour size. Over the course of the year, Kate returned to the centre for two more three-week treatments, eventually receiving the all-clear with "no evidence of disease."


However, just five weeks ago, Kate experienced a simple cough, which would signal the resurgence of the cancer. After a thumb-sized pinprick of blood accompanied the cough, Kate swiftly received the distressing news that the cancer had returned. This time, it had spread to both lungs, her liver, and over a dozen brain tumours.


Determined not to be defeated, Kate is embarking on a controversial treatment journey again at the Hope4Cancer Treatment Centre in Mexico. She emphasises that her treatment strategy is complementary, involving both non-traditional therapies and targeted therapies prescribed by her oncologists.


Kate's spirit remains strong as she faces this new challenge. She is not only driven by her previous success but also her deep bond with her daughter Annabelle, who was just two years old when she was first diagnosed. Kate believes her journey is not only about her survival but also about being an inspiration to others. Through her Instagram account, Kate has amassed a following of over 35,000, where she shares her journey and offers support to others fighting their own battles.


Despite her determination, Kate faces financial challenges this time around. She has set up a fundraising page to raise funds for her treatment, showing a vulnerable side as she reaches out for help. Her community, followers, and even strangers have rallied behind her, raising funds to support her treatment.


Kate's goal is to raise $180,000 for her cancer treatment, and as of now, she has already raised $67,000, thanks to the generosity of her donors, which has enabled her to cover the initial treatment costs.


Kate's story is one of hope, resilience, and a fierce determination to prove that cancer doesn't have the final say. As she continues her battle against the disease, she carries with her the strength of her past victory and the unwavering support of those who believe in her cause.


If you'd like to support Kate's journey, you can donate to her fundraising campaign and see her weekly updates there.


If you want to learn more about this story, then check out this informative article from the Gold Coast Bulletin.


If you want to see other stories of people battling cancer and raising funds for cancer treatment then check out these amazing pages, or start fundraising today by clicking the button down below.