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December 07 2022

MEDIA: Beloved Garden Saves Maree

raising awareness of ovarian cancer


As a keen gardener, Maree Pisasale spent a lot of her time in her beloved garden. After a fall there, a shocking discovery was made that has saved her life.


Maree was having an ultrasound on her hip after the fall when results revealed a large tumour in her abdomen. 


This came as a shock, as Maree felt no issues and was otherwise healthy.


The tumour was then linked to Ovarian Cancer. “They don’t call it the silent killer for no reason,” she told Shepparton News.


Now Maree is on a journey back to health and wants to share her story to help others understand that frequent checks, “even if you feel fine”, are important.


Common symptoms of ovarian cancer can include bloating, pelvic pain, feeling full quickly, and urinary symptoms. However, many women experience no problems at all or symptoms are very subtle and easily mistaken for other, more common problems.


To help build awareness and raise funds for Deniliquin Can Assist, Maree held a fundraiser in her garden with 24 of her closest friends and family.


“A hat was passed around and guests were treated to a barbecue lunch, ” she said.


“I can’t thank family, friends and Can Assist enough for all the love and support that I have received.” 


The Deniliquin Can Assist branch was established in 2017 after a couple of local community members recognised a gap in cancer support services in the local Deniliquin region.


Check out other inspiring pages where people fundraise for cancer support, or start your fundraising page by clicking the button below.