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June 12 2018

MEDIA: Annabelle Potts Fights DIPG

Annabelle Potts was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour at the end of 2016 and doctors told her parents she had between six and nine months to live. Incredibly, eighteen months later Annabelle is still fighting and surviving her Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).

Annabelle’s mother Kathie attributes Annabelle’s stable condition to their trips to Mexico to undergo an experimental treatment every three months. Kathie told The Canberra Times that thanks to the treatments in Mexico, Annabelle’s tumour had stopped growing almost entirely and her physical symptoms had improved drastically, even from the first treatment.

The last scans showed that Annabelle’s tumour had grown very slightly and as such, the trips to Mexico must now be made every six weeks. With each trip and treatment costing $30,000, the Potts are struggling to pay for them, but they refuse to give up on their beloved oldest child.

Hearing their story and meeting Annabelle motivated her preschool teacher at Miles Franklin, Lalangi Abhayapala, to rally the Canberra community to help this young family keep Annabelle alive. Lalangi started a personal cause campaign on and has raised over $10,000 so far. This dedicated teacher also organised an event at the preschool, during which she shaved her head to show her support for Annabelle and her family.

Annabelle’s family loves her very much and appreciates the support they’ve received from the Canberra community, however, they still need to raise a lot more money for Annabelle’s more frequent treatments. Lalangi’s campaign for Annabelle is still up and running, and every donation helps.

You can read more of Annabelle’s story at The Canberra Times.