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June 26 2023

How to Start a Fundraiser for a Personal Cause in Australia



Learning how to start a Fundraiser for personal causes or charities is a powerful way to make a positive impact in Australia. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps and strategies involved in successful fundraising campaigns. Whether you're raising funds for a personal cause or a charitable organisation, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you achieve your goals and start fundraising.


Define Your Cause and Set Clear Goals 


Before starting your fundraising journey, it's essential to define your cause and set clear goals. By establishing a specific purpose and realistic targets, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential donors. Transparency is key, so communicate how the funds will be utilised and the impact their contributions will make.


Research and Select the Right Fundraising Platform 


Choosing the right fundraising platform is crucial. Research various options, including mycause, Australia’s #1 fundraising platform for Australian Charities. Consider factors such as transaction fees, reputation, and user-friendliness to select the platform that aligns best with your needs.


Create a Compelling Fundraising Campaign 


Craft a compelling story that connects with your audience emotionally. Utilise captivating visuals, set fundraising milestones, leverage social media, and engage your network to support your cause. Consider offering incentives to encourage participation.


Promote and Spread the Word 


Share your fundraising page with your network and friends through your social media profiles. Use different images to catch their attention and let them know about your cause. 


Appreciate and Engage with Donors 


Show gratitude to your donors through personalised thank-you messages, provide regular updates on the campaign's progress, recognise milestones, and foster an ongoing relationship.


Fundraising for personal causes or charities requires careful planning and effective execution. With mycause, we make sure that your fundraising efforts are as easy as possible, easing out your process by sending automatic thank you emails, creating milestones through our new badges system and letting you and your donors share your Fundraising Page on their social media accounts with just a click. 


Start your fundraising journey today and make a difference through effective fundraising practices by clicking the button below. Or check out our list of Fundraising Ideas and draw some inspiration for your next fundraising adventure.