Step 1. Car accidents can be very traumatic, emotionally and physically. If you or a loved one is involved in a car accident you may need to raise money for medical bills. The best platform through which to start an online fundraiser is This platform is Australian and has someone on call to answer any questions at any time.
Step 2. Setting up your crowdfunding campaign for a car accident victim is easy and will take less than two minutes to create. Just go to and click on “start fundraising” to set up the personal cause campaign.
Step 3. You will be required to fill in some basic information, including a monetary target. A good way to figure out what the target amount for the fundraiser should be is to think about the needs of the person or people who were in the car accident. How much will the medical bills cost? What are their daily expenses? What repairs need to be made to the cars? These, added together, will give you an idea of what the goal should be.
Step 4. Consider the title. When naming your campaign try to include information people will need to identify your campaign, such as the accident victim’s name, but also make the campaign title memorable. E.g. “Help Eddy Recover from Car Crash.” Don't forget to tell people why you're raising money, about the accident, and the costs associated.
Step 5. Pictures are worth a thousand words. It may be important to tell the story, but having a nice photo of the person on the campaign will make it more noticeable and encourage more donations. The photo will also help friends find the correct campaign.
Step 6. Sharing your campaign through different channels with as many people as you can, will increase the number of donatios you get. Ask others to also share your mycause campaign so it reaches more people. The money will go in to a verified bank account even if the goal has not been reached.
Start fundraising for a friend now.