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May 09 2015

Doctor's trek for Nepal

It was a cause already close to Dr Tammra Warby's heart, but her Medical Trek to Nepal next month will mean even more to her in the wake of the country's devastating earthquake last week.

The Emu Park Family Practice GP decided weeks ago to do the trek, which will see her hike through rugged terrain to get to remote villages and treat patients that have little or no access to basic health care.

However, the need for her skills is now even more desperate as the country struggles to keep up with medical supplies and demand for people working on the ground.

"It made me feel sick for the people of Nepal when I found out," Dr Warby said about the natural disaster.

"It's now become an emergency medical trek. I've worked in emergency for years so I had to resist the urge to jump on a plane and go there right now, but there's no way of getting in at the moment."

Dr Warby said she originally was trying raise $2000 for her trip, but since so much more equipment and planning is needed, her goal is now $5000, with local community members, friends and family chipping in to support her.

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