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February 07 2023

MEDIA: Fundraising for Sustainable Coffee Roasters

fundraising for sustainable farming in Columbia


Alfresco Coffee Roasters is an Australian-owned, boutique roastery aiming to improve the specialty coffee industry, and committed to supporting sustainable and environmentally conscious farming one farmer at a time.


Owner Sam Steiner says: “Although Speciality Coffee only plays a small role in the coffee industry, we can help bring lasting and effective change to the lives of many farmers and their communities.”


In a feature covered in The Beagle Weekly, Steiner explained that Alfresco Coffee Roasters buy their beans from trusted partners across 13 origins. The organisation builds direct trade relationships to ensure high standards of fair trade are met.


"We’re passionate about sourcing, roasting, brewing, and serving our award-winning coffee as ethically as possible, which takes us to some of the most iconic coffee growing regions around the world,” said Steiner.


“We currently have coffee generation projects in multiple different countries, including Colombia, Philippines and Nicaragua.”


Alfresco Coffee Roasters chooses to work with farmers whose values align with their own and helps support the farmers’ endeavours.


Currently the team are running Project Columbia x Alfresco Coffee Roasters in support of Diofanor Ruiz, a coffee bean farmer in Columbia.


Ruiz caught the attention of Alfresco Coffee Roasters by having adapted his cultivation techniques over time to enhance sustainable farming practices.


However, Ruiz needs help replacing his current facilities. At the moment he cannot properly dry his beans. He says, “When it rains, it rains more inside under the roof than the outside.”


Alfresco Coffee Roasters, alongside their clients and customers, are raising funds to help build coffee drying facilities at Ruiz’s farm. This will assist in increasing his production capacity and support his future as a sustainable farmer.


They created a mycause fundraising page, promoting it on their website and across social and traditional media.


“Although we often see the social effect play out in regions, it starts with one individual committed to change, and we know that Mr Ruiz is the man for this occasion.”


The team has set a minimum fundraising target of $10,000. This is in addition to the Alfresco Coffee Roasters commitment to purchase the more significant part of Ruiz’s crops, which will be showcased in-store and online at


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