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December 08 2022

MEDIA: 9 yr old’s big chop raises big money!

raising money for cancer research


Two and a half years of hair growth gave Will Bray beautiful golden locks that he quickly decided he would like to donate to Wigs for Kids one day.


That day is here and Will is making his impact even greater. He created a mycause fundraising page to raise money for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.


Will says he is fundraising "for the scientists, so they can make better medicines so people don't lose their hair in the first place."


He has already raised almost $5,500 with support from over 100 donors.


His sports teams, Belrose Eagles and Forest Baseball, and his school Wakehurst Public School have also been involved in donating.


It is a big accomplishment for the 9-year-old, who is dedicating his fundraising to his grandmother after she recently passed away from a rare and aggressive lung cancer.


She passed just 11 weeks after her diagnosis.


Will scheduled the haircut for what would have been her 66th birthday: the 9 December.


He will give his 35cm long hair to Wigs for Kids, a charity that provides hair replacement prostheses for children with cancer.


“My hair is going to help other people who need a wig,” Will told Manly Observer.


“I think it will make a good wig.” 


Will had started to grow his hair for fun, but very soon decided to give the activity meaning.


Little did he know at the time how much personal meaning the fundraiser and hair donation would have.


“As you can imagine, Will now has a much more personal and deeper understanding of how amazing and important his choice to do this is,” said Will’s mum, Kaycee.


Kaycee, and many other donors, expressed their pride and admiration for Will in the way he conducted himself and organised such a successful personal-cause fundraiser. 


“He took it upon himself to research different cancer charities and where the funds would go, to make sure they lined up with his plan,” she explained.


Check out other inspiring pages where people fundraise for cancer support, or start your fundraising page by clicking the button below.