Hi there! You have arrived at Sal Rodd's Adopt a Moon Bear donations page! In 2010, people like you helped me to raise $14,500 to rescue JIGSAW from a very cruel and barbaric life on a bear-bile farm in Vietnam. Bile is extracted from the bears in an horrific and painful manner, leaving many of the bears physically damaged and in pain for the rest of their lives. Jigsaw now lives happily in the care of Animals Asia at their bear sanctuary north of Hanoi. Jigsaw was the 39th bear rescued in Vietnam. Now, in 2020, there are almost 200 rescued bears living with him in Vietnam.
Adopt a Moon Bear has a commitment to support JIGSAW via his Bear Care Club for the rest of his life – possibly another 15 years. In real terms it costs $12,000 to “keep” a bear for one year. Your donations cover his everyday needs: his food, veterinarian care, his physical enrichment program (toys, climbing structures, pool!) and of course his part of ongoing sanctuary costs such as employing all the locals to care, feed and grow food for the bears, the vet team and repairs and maintenance to Jigsaw’s living environment.
We have raised over $133,000 in 12 years and in 2019 Jigsaw celebrated 10 years of living a happy "rescued" life. If you don't yet know about JIGSAW, please visit our website and read his story:
http://www.adoptamoonbear.com And please join our mailing list to receive Jigsaw’s own newsletters which he "writes" and sends about every 2 months.
For donation options please read below.
Donating by CREDIT CARD is simplest: click the "Donate Now" button (above). Your donation will be paid directly to Animals Asia, Adoptamoonbear is notified immediately and MyCause will issue you with a tax-deductible receipt at the time of donating.
Thank you! JIGSAW looks forward to welcoming you into his FAMILY of supporters!
I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Jigsaw, Sally. Thank you very much for all your hard work over the years to support him and Animals Asia. Jigsaw has brought lots of joy into our lives in that time.💖