Help Dragan live!

$3,265 raised

TARGET $155,000

Please support this cause



Dragan Bogosavljević (1975) suffers from chronic kidney disease of the 5th degree (Dg.N18.5 Morbus renalis chronicus, gradus 5), which is the last stage of kidney disease.

The first symptoms of the disease appeared in 2018 in the form of frequent nocturnal urination, elevated laboratory values of urea and creatinine in the blood, hypertension and anaemia, when he was hospitalized for a kidney biopsy. He was then diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.

For two years, he managed to keep the disease under control, and since June 2020, he has been included in a chronic treatment program for the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, which is repeated regular haemodialysis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Given that he has not received the opportunity for a transplant so far, he is forced to continue his treatment abroad in Belarus, where it is possible to perform a kidney transplant.

He needs funds for a kidney transplant abroad, specialist examinations, laboratory analyses, medicines, supplements, the costs of translating medical documents, as well as travel costs for treatment and accommodation costs during treatment.

Why people love Dragan
Goran: "When I met Dragan, I instantly had a warmth to him and decided that we would do anything for this man in order to help. The first thing that came to my mind was to open the entertainment park "Bora Labyrint" that I own in Serbia for him for one day so all the money from the entrance fees can go for his operation. I also called my family, friends and business associates to help as they always did in the last 20 years.
There is so many people in Serbia these days asking for money for treatment abroad. There is a special number provided by a humanitarian organization and people send SMS messages in order to donate. But for Dragan that cannot really work, first of all because there is so many people before him waiting for help. The second is that many of those people are children. And Dragan's situation is emergent, there is no time to waste, any of his dialysis can be the last and that means the end for Dragan.

I know that many people in Australia support humanitarian raisings and organisations and I honestly believe that humanity should not stop in your own country. Yes, it is a big ask to support somebody 20 000km away, however kind people are kind people anywhere in the world. And Dragan is a very kind man and because of all the friends, colleagues and relatives and now even complete strangers willing to help, part of him feels guilty and part of him feels grateful.

My goal is to help Dragan as much as possible, but I need help in order to help him.

The goal is $155,000 AUD in order to even start thinking about the operation. Dragon’s friends and family have donated as much as possible from their wages every month but all they can spare to donate is $10-20 dollars each, which is very little having in mind the total amount that needs to be raised as soon as possible. So, we are asking people from Australia, especially Serbian community, to help, as 1 hour wage in Serbia is $2-3 dollars and 1 hour wage in Australia is $25 - 50 dollars.

Dragan has been married to a lovely wife Nina for 7 years and together they have 4 children, Dragan has got a boy and a girl from the first marriage and Nina has got 2 boys from her first marriage. As the trouble never goes alone, Dragan's son is a child born with ocular glaucoma and special needs. 6 months after the birth the child was transported to Russia where an eye prothesis was embedded into his eye socket. Dragan's son cannot live on its own, so Dragan's help and wellbeing is essential for the future life of his son so Dragan's goal is to stay alive to help him. If Dragan isn't there to help him, he will probably permanently end in an institution for people with special needs.

The whole family, together with grandparents on both sides and a team of volunteers, helps raising money. They are all trying to raise money by selling donated goods on the street in different cities all over Serbia. In the morning children go to school and wife to work and in the afternoon, they travel for an hour or two to another city, sell goods until midnight and then come back home. Every day is the same for several months already and Dragan and his family have raised $25 000 AUD, but they are not even close to the necessary sum. This decent, hard-working, honourable family is trying their best, but it is still not enough. We are coming up with as many ideas as we can to help but the clock is ticking and there is less and less time.

When asked how they would describe Dragan his family and friends say that nobody has ever met a better man, so caring and emotional. Dragan is a person who is always there to do anything necessary to help others and he always puts his needs last. The best proof of Dragan's kindness is the fact that both his ex-wife and his wife Nina's ex-husband are also involved in the process of rising money and regularly come to their rising stands to support them.

Fundraising For

Dragan Bogosavljevic

Funds Banked To

Goran Srejic


Campaign Creator

Goran Srejic (Tiny)

Throsby, ACT

Wed, 30 Aug 2023


$ 50
Wed, 30 Aug 2023

Sandra Kalogeropoulos

$ 50

Best Wishes Dragan ??

Wed, 30 Aug 2023

Sanya Igov

$ 50
Wed, 30 Aug 2023

Ned Jovanovic

$ 15
Sun, 30 Jul 2023

Susan Pitt

$ 100

Good luck Dragon. Stay strong.

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

Rade Srejic

$ 1500

Hey bro ,you just don’t stop helping people , proud to help

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

Rob Watson

$ 500

Tiny, been backing you up for the last 30 years, not stopping now, Let’s get this ball rolling and get this guy a kidney.

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

goran srejic(Tiny )

$ 1000

I made a promise to you that you will see your grandchildren

SINCE Jul 2023



$3,265 raised

TARGET $155,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Dragan Bogosavljevic

Funds Banked To

Goran Srejic


Campaign Creator

Goran Srejic (Tiny)

Throsby, ACT

SINCE Jul 2023

