128Km Challenge to support Dementia, Alzheimer’s and neurological science research

$140,190 raised

TARGET $128,000

Please support this cause


Target $1 for every meter, that’s 128000 meters = $128,000
$1 for every time you wished the ones you loved didn't have dementia.

Hi, my name is Kristie. I'm running the 128km Cape to Cape track in Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park in under 24 hours on 25th March 2022.

Please sponsor me by donating to support Dementia, Alzheimer’s and neurological science research. I am extremely concerned about Dementia and it engulfing our lives, and the ones we love.

Why this challenge?! .....I love running, I always have.

This last decade running has been my outlet to help me process the hard news that my Dad, Ross Banfield, had Dementia…..

He was diagnosed in 2011 with a combination of Bensons syndrome (posteria cortical atrophy), Lewybody and vascular dementia, all heading toward Alzheimer’s.

Last August Dad passed away aged 75, he fought long and hard against the disease and I am so grateful for the last 10 years however watching the ones you love, both Dad and Mum, endure this roller coaster was incredibly hard.
Unfortunately, I know that ours is not a unique story. More and more people are being diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease each year and I want to be able to do something to try and help stop it!

I work for Cape to Cape Explorer Tours in Margaret River as a track guide and during days guiding people along the track , the idea of running the whole 128kms from lighthouse to lighthouse to raise money to try and fight these diseases called out to me.

So that is what I am going to do. To honour my Dad and every person who has suffered from these terrible diseases and to raise money to help fight them.

There is some fantastic work being done by certain groups, which will make a difference. Please help me by donating as little or as much as you can to the following groups through this page. All donations are tax deductible and will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

Your donation recipients:

Alzheimer’s WA - Alzheimer’s WA advocates, educates, supports and engages the 41,630 Western Australians living with all types of dementia. Incredibly supportive to our family.

Dementia Australia Research Foundation - Donations to the Dementia Australia Research Foundation are used to provide research grants focused on the diagnosis, management, prevention, delay and cure of dementia.

Perron Institute - Perron Institute is a global collaborator and home to one of WA’s most successful research breakthrough teams. At Perron Institute they’re bringing dedicated researchers and clinicians together to work on a brighter future for people living with neurological conditions. The Brain and Bone Axis Research Team, led by Professor Minghao Zheng is exploring the link between the brain, bones and dementia.

I plan to do the run around the last weekend of March 2022. Follow my journey on Facebook @Kristie Bower Instagram @kristbower and Linkedin
Alzheimer’s WA
Dementia Australia Research Foundation
Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science

I'm raising funds for


Alzheimer’s WA

Alzheimer’s WA advocates, educates, supports and engages Western Australians living with all types of dementia. Our vision is of a world where people with dementia and their families are supported and valued on their dementia journey. Together we can ensure no one faces dementia alone.

Dementia Australia Research Foundation

The Dementia Australia Research Foundation is the research arm of Dementia Australia which funds Australia’s talented new and early career dementia researchers. Support us and fund research into the causes, care, prevention and potential treatments for dementia.

Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science

Western Australia’s longest established medical research institute undertaking cutting edge research into a broad spectrum of conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurons Disease, strokes and Parkinson's Disease, to provide a better quality of life for millions around the world.

About Fundraiser

Kristie Bower (Banfield)


Wed, 11 May 2022


$ 50
Wed, 11 May 2022


$ 100

Inspirational! Go Kristie!

Wed, 11 May 2022

Ann Anderton

$ 100
Sun, 8 May 2022

Jenny Pope

$ 150

You are so inspirational, Kristie and yet so humble and understated. It was a privilege to run with you and Shazzy in the MR Ultra, thank you ? xx

Tue, 26 Apr 2022


$ 100
Thu, 21 Apr 2022

Lesley Dunn

$ 128

Well done! Read about your story in the local newspaper when I was in Margaret River hiking the Track over 6 days. Amazing running it in under 24 hours and amazing fundraising effort.

Wed, 20 Apr 2022

Jess Bunning

$ 200

Congratulations Kirstie - what an amazing achievement for such admirable causes! You are a glorious inspiration xx Much love

Fri, 8 Apr 2022

Deb - Gracetown

$ 20
Fri, 8 Apr 2022

Egberts & Margaret River Community

$ 93

Thank you Egberts & the Margaret River community for donating your change on 25th March throughout the day whilst picking up your coffee and delicious pastries. I am very proud to be a part of this community :) Kristie

Thu, 7 Apr 2022

Steve and Emma Cooper

$ 100

Such a Champion, and an inspiring effort! Well Done, Kristie!!

SINCE Jan 2022



$140,190 raised

TARGET $128,000

Please support this cause

Alzheimer’s WA
Dementia Australia Research Foundation
Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science

I'm raising funds for


Alzheimer’s WA

Alzheimer’s WA advocates, educates, supports and engages Western Australians living with all types of dementia. Our vision is of a world where people with dementia and their families are supported and valued on their dementia journey. Together we can ensure no one faces dementia alone.

Dementia Australia Research Foundation

The Dementia Australia Research Foundation is the research arm of Dementia Australia which funds Australia’s talented new and early career dementia researchers. Support us and fund research into the causes, care, prevention and potential treatments for dementia.

Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science

Western Australia’s longest established medical research institute undertaking cutting edge research into a broad spectrum of conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurons Disease, strokes and Parkinson's Disease, to provide a better quality of life for millions around the world.

About Fundraiser

Kristie Bower (Banfield)


SINCE Jan 2022

